Hi All.
I would really like to be able to create a WIDGET that has an ICON and a TEXT on it so that people can see the name of the Icon and see the visual icon.
Right now I have /either/ a Text that links to a Page in the Widget (no icon) /or/ I have linked directly to an icon in a Page. This latter I did one icon per Widget, so that there is a title like “Linked-In” then a light line under it showing that it is a WIdget and then the icon shows up which has an active link. Then I did the same for “RSS’ but this looks really stupid and all spread out.
Is there a good way to make this sexier?
is there anyone that can tell me if there is a better place to post this question?
Hi Esmi.
What is this link for?
Also, can I please ask you why my posts to the Troubleshooting Forum are getting deleted as duplicates? I am trying to post in another forum to get an answer to these questions because there does not seem to be any answers to any of these questions for many months now.
I understand it is difficult to manage the forums but I need to be able to post to somewhere that I have a chance of getting an answer. If I post the same question in Themes after not getting an answer for many months it is helpful to be able to try it in Troubleshooting and not have it deleted…
Should I just post in Troubleshooting first or am I missing something that I should be doing differently?
I really need to get some feedback from these questions at some point so I can help someone that is trying to fix these issues for me.
What is this link for?
You asked: “is there anyone that can tell me if there is a better place to post this question?” Well, that’s the dedicated forum for your theme. As this is a commercial theme, we cannot really help. You need to seek support from the theme vendors.
And duplicate topics are deleted on sight. You’ve tried to post 4 new topics since your last reply in this topic – which is still live, btw.
Hi Esmi.
Thank you.
The thing is that I am not paying for the Paid Theme Support. I had not gotten much action on the forum and it is like 10+ per month to pay for this. And I am just trying to get some idea on some plugins and it would be helpful to be able to post somewhere else to try and get help on this. I haven’t touched the site in many months and it is a waste to pay for this support if I only need it once in a blue moon.
So – posting in the forum that this post is in hasn’t gotten any action on it either for many months now. I have like six posts in the forum that got no action at all and it would be helpful to post in another forum if it doesn’t get any answer where it is – you know what I am saying?
I mean – if there is no answer on a post where it is posted is there some way to move it or let the mods know that you are posting elsewhere because the thread is just dead where it is?
This is sort of frustrating to have your posts deleted when you don’t have an answer…
: )
– JonathanThe thing is that I am not paying for the Paid Theme Support.
Here’s the thing. You’re using a free theme that has paid support. People need to make a living, so we really try to do our best TO the community by directing you to the best place to get the answer. And yes, that means we think you should pay up for the theme you’re using.
Please read the Forum Welcome: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Welcome
We do not appreciate duplicate topics, and we don’t go for bumping either. Yes, it may seem weird compared to other sites, but this is how it works here.
The odds are that people who use that theme either have not had the problem you’re facing, or that they pay for help when needed.
I would really like to be able to create a WIDGET that has an ICON and a TEXT on it so that people can see the name of the Icon and see the visual icon.
What you want to do is look for how to style widget headers to have icons. That needs to be done via CSS.
https://myfundoo-blog.blogspot.com/2010/05/add-icon-or-image-beside-your-sidebar.html has one example of how it works.
https://wpgarage.com/css/how-to-add-images-and-styles-to-the-wordpress-custom-menu/ has the same idea, but for menus. Mind the basic code is the same.
Hi. First a sincere thank you for the links. They are a great help.
Also, Esmi knows that I think she is great and does great work.
Part of the thing is that I /am/ paying for help on customizing this site. But I need to help them do this efficiently and not in the way that they suggest as their way will be a nightmare to maintain. Most of the questions that I am working on this week I have been working on getting an answer to for something like 6 months!
It is not reasonable to ask me to wait six months and not “bump” a thread because this is not appreciated. I also have found the thread killing to be really very draconian. It also seems quite inefficient. If I post to a forum and I don’t get an answer for three days or four days or two weeks or six months – you know – let my thread exist on another forum for two or three or four days.
Sorry. I don’t get this. My threads die over and over and over but I get a duplicate deleted in two minutes.
I’ve read the Netiquette. It’s great. I’ve read the .com .net thing twice (maybe three times). I lurve Esmi. Big time. No issues there at all.
I just find it a little goofy for you to ask me not to post a question about WordPress Plugins or WordPress functionality to this site because you think I should be paying monthly to post to a forum after I already paid to download the Theme?
I have F8 Static and this site has F8, F8 Lite and F8 Remixed – I mean I don’t even know if I have a paid or a free theme at this point – but you want me to pay to post to the other web address? I don’t get this issue of payment. I paid to download custom themes. You are saying I have a free theme with paid support? If I am posting in the wrong place please help me out here and I’ll try to abide but I have to admit this .com .net thing is uber confusing and no matter /how/ the thing is configured I should be able to bump an unanswered thread with good intentions (i.e. actually getting an answer) and I should be able to post the same question in another forum if I find that posting in the forum I posted in is not working…
Bottom line is that I am just trying to get an answer to a question within half a year and the killing of the threads makes this difficult. No?
But I need to help them do this efficiently and not in the way that they suggest as their way will be a nightmare to maintain.
But they are THE experts when it comes to this theme. The likelihood that anyone here could come up with a better way is effectively zero.
It is not reasonable to ask me to wait six months and not “bump” a thread because this is not appreciated.
With all due respect & with regard to your recent topics, you didn’t wait 6 months. You waited minutes.
let my thread exist on another forum for two or three or four days
We do – providing it’s not one of 4 identical topics.
I get a duplicate deleted in two minutes.
And that’s already been explained to you. Duplicates waste everyone’s time by causing unnecessary replication of work for hard-pressed volunteers who try to answer as many questions as they can. For those searching the forums, duplicates can also be very frustrating. One question – one topic seems quite reasonable to me. If you haven’t had an answer – or posted in that topic – for a couple of days, then by all means, post a new topic. But don’t post in your own thread and then immediately open a new identical one.
because you think I should be paying monthly to post to a forum after I already paid to download the Theme?
As I’ve said, they are the experts. You want the best answer – they’ll have it. Also, paid membership support is how many theme developers earn a living. Is it fair to try and buck that by coming here and then trying to force someone to answer your questions for free by sheer dint of repeated posts? Most people here don’t think so.
I should be able to bump an unanswered thread with good intentions
Read the Forum Welcome. Bumping is definitely not allowed. and please bear in mind that I did not delete your bump. I appreciated that you’d waited 24 hours already. And since I didn’t have an answer for you, I then went out of my way to check that the theme vendors did have a support forum and to post a link to it here. The fact that you have chosen to reject that resource because you either don’t want to pay or because the solution they offered is not to your liking is nothing to do with us. And it does not then give you the right to try and force the issue.
Many of those who ask for help here do not have any other support resource available to them. At least you do have other avenues. If you feel that you should not have to pay for support for a paid theme, that’s something you need to take up with the theme vendors – not us.
As esmi said, if the experts on the theme are telling you something complicated and annoying, then you may have found something that’s outside their scope for the project and … MAN I hate when that happens. Usually it means I need to rethink what I’m doing because the way I’m envisioning is probably wrong/non-optimal.
The general issue you’re having though is that you need to apply CSS styling to the widget headers.
If you apply a BACKGROUND image to your widget title and then adjust the CSS so it’s to the side of the title via positioning, you’ll get the general effect you want.
No I don’t know the code off the top of my head, but I’ve seen it done before. You’re on the road, now all you need to do is experiment, and pay attention to the rules of the road here ?? You don’t have to like them, but until they change, you do have to live with them for as long as you post here.
Hi Esmi.
Greetings and hello. Advance apologies here if I am misunderstanding something but can I please ask you to clarify some things and can I make a request?
Are you saying that F8 Static is a paid Theme and that in order to ask a question I need to subscribe to the .com address and post all my questions there? I have been posting here in the “Theme” section because I see all the other F8 Themes and it seems like a reasonable place to post. The problem is that if I don’t have any questions or any needs on this Theme for a year – and if I’ve already paid for a year when I didn’t use it – I sort of don’t want to spend the extra money for something I am not using unless it is accepted and reasonable for me to expect to do this.
Also, is it possible to not delete another post on a topic if – for instance – after four or five days of not getting an answer in the “Themes and Templates” section to something I post in the “Troubleshooting” section (assuming that the post is topic pertinent)? I mean, I don’t mind being told that I have to post in another forum but if the post seems like it is appropriate to a Forum and it is just deleted with no comment except “dupe” it is hard to get an answer or alter where you post the first time next time.
The problem here is that I do most of this myself /normally/ but since I have run into a roadblock with these two issues over the last year I decided to finally try and hire someone locally to do this. Now they are doing it in a way that is not at all convenient so I wanted to get back on the forum and try and get some specific instructions to /direct/ them how to do this correctly.
So. Can I please ask you:
1. To please clarify when it is appropriate to post to these forums as opposed to the paid forum vis-a-vis various topics?
2. Is there an appropriate place to post if I just have an HTML format question?
3. Do you want me to post any plugin questions for F8 static to the paid forum?
Thanks and BIG CHEERS!
Thank you so much for the links and advice. Sincerest apologies if I have been misunderstanding anything by way of etiquette or netiquette or this .com/.net thing (which I find uber confusing but have tried to understand in a practical way).
Anyway, can I /please/ follow up and ask you here if there are url’s or advice you can give on a good place to post a question about HTML code? I think I have solved the Widget Icon thing by uploading an image and then linking to an action with some HTML code in a TEXT Widget but moving forward – in addition to reading very closely the great link you sent – I was hoping to find out if it is possible to /size/ these images in the actual code so I don’t have to size them before uploading (which is a pain). Can I post this code or would it be more appropriate to start a new thread somewhere on this?
Also, can I /please/ ask you if there is an appropriate place to ask if/how I can cause the action of clicking on a MENUITEM to point to a CATEGORY THUMBNAIL LIST. Basically I want clicking on “news” in the MENUITEM to go directly here: https://formpig.com/blog/?cat=33
FInally (and a BIG THANKS AGAIN) is there somewhere to get paid contract help with WP? I seem to be trying to do this locally but I am wondering if there is a better way to do this or if you or anyone would advise against this. I’ve heard a couple of nightmares about outsourced web pages but at the same time I can’t help but think that there must be a market for folks that want to contract for some of this kind of thing.
Cheers and thank you again!
– Jonathan
I think, if you are asking a theme-specific question such as what markup to amend or how to solve a give issue within the theme’s options/parameters, then the paid forum would be your best and fastest route to getting an answer. We do have some F8 users posting but only occasionally and then usually because they have problems.
If you need to make a CSS change, we might be help to help by providing you with new CSS rules but you might have to figure out where the best place to add them would be. Again, it’s down to experience with the F8 theme – which, as I understand it, is a fairly complex theme. Do bear in mind that we do sometimes refer people to other, free, forums for specific help – especially with some of the more complex themes. Examples that spring to mind are Suffusion & Atahualpa – both very complex themes with extensive theme options. As I’ve learnt over time, the most well-meaning advice in these cases can sometimes be totally wrong and cause more harm than good.
If it’s a plugin issue, post here in the plugin’s dedicated forum (ie via the plugin’s WPORG page). If it’s a general WP issue, then posting here in the HowTo forum would be your best bet.
In each case, leave it a few days with no answer before posting again. Posts that haven’t received a response within 2 hours are regularly – reviewed via a filter, so you can be sure that a number of forum volunteers will have seen your post.If you’re still not getting any joy a few days after a second or third post, I’d suggest that you start looking elsewhere. Whilst we do try to help as many people as we can, it’s inevitable that we cannot help everyone.
Does that help?
Hi Esmi.
As always – a BIG THANK YOU.
Sorry for the noise on this one. I just printed this out and will keep it on hand for the next time. Again apologies for any confusion.
Is it acceptable for me to delete a post if it have been waiting for a couple of days or a week and to post in another forum on this site if I have deleted the original?
I want to try and minimize any footprint but at the same time get some traction on these.
Thanks. THANK YOU!
– Jon
I was hoping to find out if it is possible to /size/ these images in the actual code so I don’t have to size them before uploading (which is a pain).
If you use CSS and the background URL, you should be able to resize to some degree, but generally, for page speed, you should upload images in the right size. So yes, small-it before you upload-it ??
Do you know where I post to get some help on what the /code/ looks like for sizing this linked image? Is it in the Themes and Templates section here? Is it in the Troubleshooting section? I have code but I just need to alter it to size the image. I don’t think this is theme-specific.
Also, is it possible the question about /pointing/ or re-directing the click on the MENU ITEM is theme-specific or is it possible to get some advice on where to post this question? I got some advice to use the Page Links To plugin but I was hoping to make sure this would do it or that there wasn’t a simple piece of code that I could put on the PAGE that is linked to this MENUITEM.
Thank You.
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