• Hi All.

    I would really like to be able to create a WIDGET that has an ICON and a TEXT on it so that people can see the name of the Icon and see the visual icon.

    Right now I have /either/ a Text that links to a Page in the Widget (no icon) /or/ I have linked directly to an icon in a Page. This latter I did one icon per Widget, so that there is a title like “Linked-In” then a light line under it showing that it is a WIdget and then the icon shows up which has an active link. Then I did the same for “RSS’ but this looks really stupid and all spread out.


    Is there a good way to make this sexier?



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  • Is it acceptable for me to delete a post if it have been waiting for a couple of days or a week and to post in another forum on this site if I have deleted the original?

    The general policy is that we don’t delete posts/topics except in extreme circumstances or if we feel they are detrimental to the community as a whole. Duplicates posted within hours of each other would come under that last heading.

    Re-posts after a few days are not an issue. We don’t hunt them down and remove them. Apart from anything else, we don’t have the time. Also, a few unanswered and identical topics over a period of a week or so do convey some info to other users – even if it’s only “you’re probably going to have to look for an answer elsewhere”.

    It’s not an ideal system and there are quite a few extra features that we’d like to have on the forums but as always it comes down to time & manpower (or should that be “person-power?). But if we can keep the some control over repeated questions, it does make the forum more usable for everyone. Otherwise we would get people posting exactly the same question 11 times in a few minutes (ie 1 on every forum). And yes – that does happen. :-/

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi Esmi.

    Thanks. I want to be clear that I think you are great and that the forum is great and that what I have been able to accomplish with the software is also great and helpful over here. Big time.

    I also totally understand the man-woman-power issue.

    If it is possible to get some kind of warning (barring egregious cases) on when a post is deleted it would be helpful. In the past I have had posts that seem like they belong in a forum, which were in fact also posted days or weeks earlier in another forum, get deleted (by others) with no warning and simply the message “dupe”.

    This is sort of frustrating if you are posting in a place that appears to be appropriate and if you have attempted to post this (reasonable) question in other places on the forum over the last 6 months to a year with no answer.

    No complaints here at /all/ except that if there is another way for keeping this maintained while allowing a user to post with an understanding that they get some kind of explanation or warning and/or alternate place to post this would be great.

    It is not always so easy to /explain/ what your question is or why you are posting it in that forum and a delete with simply the comment “dupe” seems unpoductive.


    If it is possible to get some kind of warning (barring egregious cases) on when a post is deleted it would be helpful.

    I thought I did that. I recall checking to see if you had opted to be emailed with replies and, in each case, I replied stating that the topic was a duplicate, would be deleted and gave a link to the original topic. I think I also asked you to please stop posting new topics at one point. I tend to do that with all duplicates but there’s no hard & fast rule. Some mods post a message and then close the topic instead of deleting it. But we all try to give an explanation – if only so that there is an audit trail.

    Thread Starter formpig


    AOK. No problems and thank you again.

    This wasn’t about this particular run through. It’s just I tried to tackle these items about year ago and then six months ago and ran into this issue and I just had to drop it because there were no answers and when I posted in another forum they were deleted almost immediately with no opportunity to ask why.

    I will take the info and guidance (THANKS!) and get it done this time via the right forums.

    Goodwill and thanks.


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