• Hello,

    I currently do not have descriptions for my products so I cannot create a product catalog at the moment. Could you consinder to add another option in the Special Mapping-> Description field in which I could select to use my product’s title as description?

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author Antonino Scarfì



    thanks for the suggestion, I’ll add it as soon as possible ??

    Anyway, if you want to achieve this now without waiting for the new release with this new feature, you can do it by adding this code snippet at the end of functions.php of your active theme or in a new one-file plugin:

    add_filter('aepc_feed_item_description', function($description, FeedMapper $item){
    	$description = $item->get_title();
    	return $description;

    or if you want get the title only if there is not a description for that product, you can write this snippet:

    add_filter('aepc_feed_item_description', function($description, FeedMapper $item){
    	if (empty($description)) {
    		$description = $item->get_title();
    	return $description;

    I hope it can help you ??

    Thread Starter bpan


    Hello, thank you for your answer.

    I did mess around with the files that generates the feed and I managed to get assign the title as description but another issue arised. My POS that syncs my inventory between my store and the web syncs the products after calculating taxes and the prices are like 19,9999999991 . Woocommerce rounds this price correctly to 20 when I created the feed via Pixel Cafeine this value was assigned to the product and facebook threw an error saying that I have too many demicals to my prices and I should limit them to 2 demicals.

    Plugin Author Antonino Scarfì



    sorry for the issue and thank you for reporting this! ??

    I could replicate the issue and I made a fix for this and it will be available on next version of the plugin. If you want the fix without waiting for the new update, please download the plugin from the following URL and replace it in your website: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1rtkr0wncxl5iq/pixel-caffeine.2.0.4.fix-taxes.zip?dl=0

    No problems when you will upgrade the plugin to new official release because the fix in this URL has already the final fix ??

    It solves to me, let me know if it solves for you as well.
    Thank you.

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