Does anyone know of a social media plugin that will handle this issue? Or some secret settings that will help fix this?
Note that if I MANUALLY submit to Facebook the image isn’t cropped at all! Look at this:
For your info, the image is only 600×901 pixels and about 94K. There must be some social media plugin that handles this properly.
]]>Does anyone know of a plugin that will “pre-size” the image to meet FB specs just before submission?
]]>Inserting the appropriate Open Graph tags for each page are typically handled by your SEO plugin.
Ideal dimensions per Facebook:
i.e. aspect ratio of 1.91:1
If you’re not using an SEO plugin that handles Open Graph tags and need to do so manually, you can also create a new custom Thumbnail size and use that as the Open Graph Image by inserting is manually into your template. Instructions would be similar to —