• I’m trying to add a conversion using the “Facebook Event Setup Tool”, but it doesn’t find the button on my website.
    The button I’m trying to find is a form’s submit button of elementor.

    I used this tool before and it worked great when I was using an HTML website.
    Here is a troubleshooting page by Facebook that says:

    Buttons are available to set up through the Event Setup Tool if:
    They are an HTML button, an HTML link or an element that has a class or ID that matches button, btn, or other variant spelling.
    Their height is no less than 10 pixels and no more than 600 pixels. Buttons that are too small or too large won’t show up.
    They contain an image or text. Buttons won’t show up if they only contain icons or numbers, such as search icons and phone numbers.

    My button is in a normal size but does the elementor form’s button comply with all the other rules?
    Is it a known issue that the facebook tool can’t find elementor buttons?
    And is there a way to fix it and find the button?

    Thank you

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  • Tim


    Hey Mate,

    Might be too late, but I saw this post when I was trying to figure this out for Divi. I ended up working out it was because the buttons had the same text – I had 3 that said ‘BOOK NOW’. When I changed them to be more specific to the thing they were booking, so they weren’t all ‘BOOK NOW’, they became available. Clearly Facebook thinks buttons should have unique text.

    Thread Starter Edi


    Thanks Tim!

    I already solved it in a different, more complicated way than the one you mentioned but I will share it here to help others as well:

    1. I downloaded the “Header Footer Code Manager” plugin.

    2. With this plugin, I added a “snippet” to the header of the relevant page, with the standard Facebook Pixel.

    3. This is the step where I added the conversion tracking.
    I created another “snippet”, but this time I set the location to “After Content”.
    The code of the snippet is:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById('submitbtn').addEventListener('click', function() {
      fbq('track', 'Lead');
    }, false);

    4. The previous step is set to record a conversion every time a button with an id=”submitbtn” is clicked.
    So now you need to go to the Elementor form, and under the “submit button” section set the button id to “submitbtn”.

    That is how I did it!
    It may be a bit harder, but it will be reliable and still capture conversions if you’ll change the button text, unlike with the Facebook Event Setup Tool that will stop recording conversions if you change the button text.

    Hope I helped someone!

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