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  • I’m also facing the same problem, sometimes Like button not appearing.
    Please release an update to fix this issue.

    Can you both try new version and tell me if still happens?

    Problem solved. But need some html and css knowledge to edit this plugin.

    First of all sorry for disturbing you again and again.

    I added this code in Template Section, but some time FB like button showing and some time its not showing up.

    <font size="4"><center>Please support <i>Digital Advices</center><i></font><br>
    <center>By clicking any of these buttons you help our site to get better</center>
    <div id="socpop">
    <fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false"></fb:like>
    <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-show-screen-name="false">Follow @viveknathr</a>?
    <div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-href=""></div>
    <i><center>Thank You :) </center></i>

    Can you give me a link of your site so i can check? Did you tried disabling other plugins?
    I will send a new version later today because the default settings are not showing as they suppose.

    Check the new version and delete your template and css to load default one

    Hi Damian, great plugin!
    I just installed it and had an issue with the facebook like button. I tested a few times, deactivated and activated it and it seems that the facebook button disappeared after clicking on the close button. The first time the facebook button displayed ok but once the popup was closed, it disappeared for subsequent popups.
    My website is
    Thank you!

    Sorry for the delay i was very bussy i went to your site but it seems the plugin is not active. I will release a new version soon, hopefully it fix your problem.

    I can also confirm that Facebook Like button in version 1.5.3 doesn’t appear. Had to deactivate the plugin.

    Are you logged to facebook? If not you wont see the like button , same happens with facebook like box.

    Do you have a link where i can test it? I have it running on several websites and its working just fine. Im afraid i cant helo without more information

    Thanks to Liezl for sending her info and account i could detect the problem. It seems that just with some facebook pages it wasn’t working on some browser. I will update the plugin with the new settings that hopefully fix the problem to all

    I had to remove the plugin. It’s a live website, so I can’t keep active a broken plugin. Sorry. My WordPress version is 3.5.1. though.

    You don’t have to be logged in to Facebook in order to see the Like button. Instead of your plugin, I’ve installed another one (facebook like box popup). It works just fine, logged in or not, both ways. SEE HERE

    Hi Petar, i know your site its live, but the plugin its not broken as its being used in a lot of sites withouts problems. If noone suplies url and access to me so i can test the particular case is very difficult to narrow down the problem.

    The plugin you are using now its different as its using a like box, and not a like button.

    For the other users having problems, please let me know if new version fix it. I just chatted with two different plugin users.

    First case: update fixed the problem were popup was not showing on firefox ( i was not seeing the like button of his site on my firefox either)

    Second Case: update didn’t fix the problem for the user. His friends and i are seeing the facebook like without problems.

    I had the same problem, but timersys sorted it out last night and it all seems to be working perfectly now. Thank you for the very quick response! Great plugin.

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