• Resolved matt-thomas-photography


    As the Facebook pixel has a 1×1 img src attached to it when adding a pixel to the page and then using the Litespeed lazy load images, Litespeed is adding the lazy load to that URL even though there’s nothing there

    img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" height="1" width="1" style="display:none"

    Therefore is there anyway to exclude this from being lazy loaded as it doesn’t need to be. Tried looking in the exclude tab but nothing I add seems to work.

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk



    Could you please provide the report number ?

    you can get it in toolbox -> report -> click “send to LiteSpeed”

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter matt-thomas-photography



    Report number: WYEIIELG

    Report date: 03/12/2021 16:36:12

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    yeah weird ….

    could you please try add facebook into lazyload exclude ?

    Thread Starter matt-thomas-photography


    Just the word Facebook into the media excludes section?

    Plugin Support qtwrk



    Thread Starter matt-thomas-photography


    That seems to have worked! Who knew just a simple title would be all it needed

    Thanks for the quick reply and solve

    Plugin Support usabe


    Glad that qtwrk made it work. Good job. This is a temporary solution.

    The Facebook pixel is in noscript tag, which should not be lazyloaded.

    We will give it a fix soon.

    Thread Starter matt-thomas-photography


    Awesome thanks for keeping me updated. I’ll keep an eye out for an update in the future

    Plugin Support usabe


    Fixed and updated. Please try the latest dev branch.

    BTW, a quick note : As of today, if you roll back to lower versions from v3.7 dev latest, you may see a PHP fatal error notice. That is a known issue and won’t cause any hurt. You just need to reactivate the cache plugin again as it will be auto deactivated during the switching process due to the fatal error.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by usabe.
    Plugin Support Hai Zheng?


    Remember to remove the exclude setting facebook when you try latest commit.

    Thread Starter matt-thomas-photography


    Just tried the beta version – v3.7-rc21

    Removed the media Facebook and seems to be working fine

    Safe to keep that version running or should I switch back for now?

    Plugin Support usabe


    Oh, I just updated my reply above. But for safe just put it here again :

    A quick note : As of today, if you roll back to lower versions from v3.7 dev latest, you may see a PHP fatal error notice. That is a known issue and won’t cause any hurt. You just need to reactivate the cache plugin again as it will be auto deactivated during the switching process due to the fatal error.

    As a best practice, normally we do not recommend dev beta version for production site. But if it is not, we welcome you to test and enjoy.

    Thread Starter matt-thomas-photography


    As it’s a live site I’ve gone back to 3.6.3 for now and added back Facebook to the excludes section. As it works and then when I see it mentioned in the changelog about the no script I’ll remove it from my side

    Thanks for all your help and quick fixes!

    Plugin Support usabe


    You are very welcome ??

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