All scripts properly registered through the wp_enqueue_scripts
hook will be moved to the footer. If your theme or plugin are using another method to insert scripts, the plugin will not have any effect on them. You can view your html output with the plugin on and off to take a closer look at which scripts are being inserted in the header/footer.
You can also disable the plugin on specific pages (see the Documentation).
The plugin will manually insert specific scripts into the header if you utilize the stf_exclude_scripts
filter in your functions.php file. You’ll need to first determine the slug that the script is registered with (this may require digging through the plugin files, reaching out to their developer, see the WP Codex documentation on the wp_enqueue_script function).
Once you have the slug, you can insert it in place of the ‘backbone’ slug used in the example below:
add_filter( 'stf_exclude_scripts', 'jdn_header_scripts', 10, 1 );
function jdn_header_scripts( $scripts ) {
$scripts[] = 'backbone'; // Replace 'backbone' with the script slug
return $scripts;