• I had all my tabs set up for a Blog Tour last week, but sometime this week (I’m assuming with an update) my tabs are not working. Which is a huge bummer as I invested in an ad this week and the tour is still going and now new leads go to a page that won’t come up.
    I have no idea why all of a sudden it is not working. I thought maybe with a new update that the canvas pages had be changed so I checked those to day to no avail.
    Can anyone help me fix this?

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  • The question is a little off topic, but I can suggest that you look at making sure your pages are outputting the right metadata to help Facebook figure out what to put in that excerpt.

    There are several plugins available that add metadata in the Open Graph format Facebook recommends.

    https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/opengraph/ is one, although it doesn’t look like it’s been updated lately and I haven’t tried it. Would be worth trying.

    Another way to go, if you want to include the same logo image on every post from a particular site (rather than some other image from the page or post). Is to add something like this in the header of your template.

    <link rel=”image_src” href=”https://www.mysite.com/wp-content/themes/mytheme/images/logo.png&#8221; /><!– social media thumbnail –>

    Thank you both!


    I’m puzzled. I did test it on my site with the permalinks default setting and it seemed to work fine with v 2.9.5

    Did you try to do anything with the new themes / template functionality I added by any chance? On your settings screen, Facebook Theme should be set to Plugin Built-In if you just want the basic FB template.

    Not sure what would be going on with the images. Check your HTML and make sure you’ve provided a full url for the images, not a relative url. If you inserted the images through the WordPress editor, that should have been done automatically.

    Thread Starter tlynnetolles


    I’m bad…I did…It looked so pretty with my theme in 2.9.4 and I was bored (I’m supposed to be adding new bookcover edits – not super fun) so I was poking around. Guess I shouldn’t have. I’m setting it back to Plugin Built In and I’ll try it again and let you know.

    Thread Starter tlynnetolles


    changed it all back (theme-wise) then changed ?ftab= to below for Canvas and Tab settings.
    but in order for the above to work….doesn’t there need to be an fbtab folder?

    Read this article

    It’s all a matter of redirection and slight of hand. WordPress makes it look like a directory structure, but it’s really a logical structure rather than a physical hierarchy of folders on your server. It looks neater and it’s supposed to be better for search engine optimization. Also much more human readable for your blog posts to be /2011/09/16/great-deal/ rather than ?p=23

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