To fix this (until WordPress does at least), put this code in your functions.php:
function my_increase_oembed_timeout($args) {
$args["timeout"] = 30;
return $args;
add_filter( 'oembed_remote_get_args', 'my_increase_oembed_timeout');
Increasing timeout increases page load time, so be careful with that, it can hit rankings.
Also, oembed cache is 24h, to play with it, some info could help here:
Thanks so much @biranit for the function! Does this work for the admin as well? I’m still experiencing the issue when attempting to embed in a post and an ACF oembed field. Both fail to embed so the front-end is a non-issue. I increased the time to 60 but they’re not embedding.
Here’s a video of me attempting to embed the video in an oembed custom field:
]]>Good luck ??