Hi! This sounds like it may be an account issue and not a problem with the buttons themselves. Let’s see if we can isolate the cause.
First, head over to our website and login to your account. Now, visit your account settings panel, and before we continue, verify that you do have an email address saved to your account (so that you won’t lose access while performing the following steps).
Once you have confirmed that an email address is associated with your account, open the Connected Services screen. Check that the account you were trying to connect is listed on this screen. If it isn’t, try to add it via the connection buttons on this page. If it is, clear your browser cache, open a new tab, and try connecting to Twitter/Facebook through our share buttons again.
If you are still having troubles, you may be hitting a blocker after we switched to Twitter’s new API recently. Some users have had issues with the authorization tokens after the switch, but this issue should be easily resolved by just disconnecting your social media accounts on the Connected Services screen and re-adding them.
Just for good measure, clear your browser cache again, reload the page on your site from which you were trying to share, and give it another try.
Let me know how this goes and if you run into any snags. Thanks!