• ekajuan


    First: I don’t know whether the problem is on the codestyling plugin or on the woocommerce itself.

    The problem is: if I change the status of an order within each product order, for example form on-hold to completed, WooCommerce will send an email to my customer. But the email doesn’t get translated.

    It is a different case if I manage the status from the list of orders. Where I can just click on the action icon that has pictures like triple dots and checked mark. The notification email do gets translated.

    How to fix this?


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  • Pixel Frau


    I’m having the exact same problem. Emails are only sent in Danish when changing the status from the order page (list of all orders), but are sent in English if the status is changed from an individual order detail page.

    Creating a custom email template file doesn’t work either because things like ‘Cart Subtotal’ and ‘Shipping’ are plugged into the email template with PHP.



    @pixel Frau: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

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