There were a few things I needed to deal with manually, but no big deal. Site is now fully static sitting on bitbucket and served by Netlify.
I re-ran the export using just the base url without the www and that didn’t cause any additional issues. The nice part is that once the site is static I can do a control shift F in VS Code and make changes as necessary.
I was playing with stuff so I overwrote the logs that I used to create the export that I actually used for the production site. I had since moved the original wordpress site to to keep while I am letting the static live site burn in. I just re-ran the export. I am emailing you a link to download the logs and export zip.
Note that on this run, it did properly create index.html. On my prior run, moving the page/1 thing to index.html at the root worked perfectly, so no big deal once I found where the page was hiding.
It does seem that some of the Yoast produced site maps aren’t gettin download. /sitemap-index gets exported fine, but seems that wpstatic doesn’t crawl everything referenced in the index. For example, /x-portfolio-sitemap.xml which has a lot of important stuff.
Of course, there was no attachment sitemap as the attachment pages didn’t download, but I didn’t find much value in those pages anyway (I am talking about the WP produced attachment html pages not the attachments themselves that worked fine).
I have since moved the original site to a new temporary url so not sure if I rerun the export it will give you useful info.
Anyway for my purposes of a one time move, it worked great. I would need to play with it a lot more if I needed to sync a wordpress staging area to a static live site.