Hi everyone,
Apologies for the trouble with credit card payments through the PayPal Card Processing.
We are investigating the reports about these failed orders and are working to improve the behavior and extend the error logging for our next update.
As of the latest version 1.6.5, the plugin is fairly strict about processing orders and in return is generous with setting a failed status if not everything went as anticipated during a payment.
Two things we would be interested in:
– Can you consistently reproduce the behavior or does it occur intermittently?
– If it can be reproduced, does the behavior persist with only WooCommerce and PayPal Payments active?
Instrument declined
is a response from PayPal that is usually beyond the influence of the plugin as the payment has been declined by the bank of the cardholder. The card could be blocked, or the 3D Secure auth could have failed. For now, it’s difficult to say for us, that’ why extending the logging is a high priority for us. But the PayPal MTS should be in a better position to provide insights about declined payments if you share your plugin log files with them.
Anyway, if you encounter any issues, then the default credit card smart button may provide more consistent results for now while we are investigating with PayPal eventual issues on PayPal’s end. We have seen potential issues with the PayPal Card Processing on more complex sites that have many active plugins. Improving the overall stability and compatibility with third-party plugins is our highest priority for the moment.
But if you have any doubts or concerns, the previous PayPal Standard or PayPal Checkout plugins are still available as of now. But please be aware that both these integrations will soon be no longer supported. They will continue to work on a technical level, but if any questions or issues come up, then upgrading to PayPal Payments will likely be the first recommendation.
Kind regards,