• Resolved rudolfl


    It looks like I am facing a bug here. Plugin version 3.6.0

    Consider following scenario — payment fails due to customer entering wrong card details (CVV or date). Payment fails and order is moving to FAILED state.

    Customer immediately tries to re-enter card details and succeeds with payment. However, order remains in FAILED state and no feedback is provided to customer.

    I saw it few times already on two different sites with same setup.

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Support Nami


    Hi there @rudolfl ,

    Thank you for reaching out about this issue you are facing!

    Could you please open support ticket with us for this issue via our support portal?: https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/

    When contacting us, please make sure to include the following items:

    • Link to this forum pos
    • Share system status report as noted within the support page.
    • Share the screenshot(s) of the problematic order like this: https://cln.sh/1KRXOx6IhKtyDR3QYs7x (Do not share this in the forum post!)

    Thank you!

    I’ve been getting the same issue over the past week or two. Customer fails payment then they enter valid details and the order still shows as failed in Woocommerce (but successful in eway). It seems to have coincided with the latest plugin update (3.6.0).

    We are seeing the same behaviour after updating to 3.6.0

    relates to the same behaviour as https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/eway-payment-page-freezing/#post-16589991

    order are coming through ‘failed’, customers all tried again different details and were successful. Eway shows funds, WC still shows failed.

    Plugin Support Nami


    Hi there @bubblinglava @pietpompies @rudolfl

    Thank you for chiming in here to report what you are observing so far on the site.

    Could you please open a support ticket with us here: https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/ (You will need WordPress.com account to be authenticated with WooCommerce.com if you do not have an account already)

    • Link to this forum post
    • Share system status report as noted within the support page.
    • Share the screenshot(s) of the problematic order like this:?https://cln.sh/1KRXOx6IhKtyDR3QYs7x?

    Additionally, please enable logging for Eway plugin, then reproduce the issue you are observing (enter incorrect cc number → enter correct cc number); please include the log for Eway plugin from when this issue was reproduced: WP Admin → WooCommerce → Status → Logs (Please do not share logs in the public forum!)

    Thank you!

    We are experiencing the same issue. Definitely an issue since 3.6.0.

    Plugin Support Nami


    Hi there @silvercode ,

    Thanks for chiming in in this thread to inform us about the issue you are observing also.

    Our developer team has been notified, and they have been investigating the issue further. — They were able to observe and reproduce the issue, but it is still a very early stage in identifying and assessing the issue, so I do not have much to share.

    We appreciate you reporting the issue!

    Plugin Support Nami


    Hi there @silvercode @pietpompies @bubblinglava

    Our developer is working to address the issue and it seems the fix release is relatively near us.

    In the meantime, please stick to the current version of the plugin and cross-check the WooCommerce and Eway platforms for the orders.

    I will mark this thread as resolved now — Please be on the lookout for the latest version of Eway plugin. ??


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