• Resolved problematichild


    Hi, recently we are getting having on/off complaints about paypal not being accessible when placing an order. One of the orders have this note “Could not process order. No PayPal order found in the current WooCommerce session. Order status changed from Pending payment to Failed.” https://prnt.sc/Ohqh4CL2ipRZ I’ve read from other threads that this error usually occurs when a buyer clicks the “Place order” button before it has been replaced with the PayPal smart buttons. However, when I tested the paypal button appears immediately and didn’t see the place order displaying when the paypal was selected as payment. I understand that I will have to wait for next plugin updates to fix this issue but is there anything else that we can do aside from waiting?

    By the way here’s the site with the said issue https://antinol.com.au

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