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  • daivymerlijs


    I also have this problem since today. Probably a temporary issue, but cannot confirm it.

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala


    I just updated woocommerce and few other plugins. Could the problem come from them? I am not seeing any woocommerce >>> error logs from this problem either. ??

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    em ? is this a network ?

    and also do you have set up any system cron to trigger wp cron ?

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala


    Hi @qtwrk

    What do you mean by: em ?

    Yes my sites are in wordpress multisite environment.

    I haven’t set any cron systems to my site that I know of. Maybe some plugin could do that?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    okay , this is weird issue

    do you have some way to reproduce it ?

    and when that happens , if you do a hard refresh on browser, how does it go ?

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala



    Yes it is.

    Just click this URL in Microsoft Edge browser:

    It does the same still. I have updated the product in woocommerce product page and cleared all the cache and I have even cleared all the CDN cache in Non of them have worked so far.

    Little while ago I changed my server. But this product worked with the new server just fine for the start, but not anymore.

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    it seems fine on my edge, have you tried clear browser cache ?

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala


    Do you need my: LiteSpeed Cache >>> Toolbox >>> Report >>> Report number?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    that’s okay , but still , I am trying to reproduce the issue as you described

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala



    Here is my view from chrome incognito:

    And here is my view from Edge:

    Yes I have cleared all of my browser cache in both browsers.

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    what happens if you change the network?

    like if you are on home wifi , then try to use the hotspot from mobile data , see what happens , I have seen cases where the user’s route or something has a cache copy that served to user , instead of latest version from server.

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala


    Okay, this URL works just fine when I’m with my mobile phone (mobile view) without any wifi and I cleared all the browser data from there. But when I try computer view from my mobile phone then this URL breaks. ??

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    if you use tool like gtmetrix or webpagetest to visit that page as desktop , do you see that 404 ?

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala


    I’m not able to test gtmetrix, because: Upgrade to GTmetrix PRO. You’ve reached your on-demand test limit. For more testing and monitoring, upgrade to one of our GTmetrix PRO plans

    And I tested webpagetest and I’m not seeing any desktop view from there. It is only showing the mobile view from there and that worked just fine.

    Thread Starter tuomonurkkala


    I tested , and I’m not seeing 404 error there.

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