• Resolved Dolomats0



    I m getting this Message :

    Anonymous user from XX.XX.XX.XX 13 heures ago
    Failed to login with username “admin” because no user with that username exists warning

    And that’s my server ip ! so I wanna know if I should worry or no ?
    And how can get more information about this login attempt.

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author eskapism


    Try to click on the time (“13 heures ago”) and see if that popup window gives you any more info.

    Thread Starter Dolomats0


    here is the result when i click on the time :

    Context data
    This is potentially useful meta data that a logger has saved.

    Key Value
    id 341
    logger SimpleUserLogger
    level warning
    date 2015-01-26 08:56:55
    message Failed to login with username “{failed_login_username}” because no user with that username exists
    initiator web_user
    occasionsID fc19fe068b4a1e111ed26b846cc30560
    subsequentOccasions 1
    rep 1
    repeated 10
    occasionsIDType fc19fe068b4a1e111ed26b846cc30560
    context_message_key user_unknown_login_failed
    failed_login_username admin
    server_http_user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
    _message_key user_unknown_login_failed
    _server_remote_addr XX.XX.XX.XX (My server IP)
    _server_http_referer domaine.com/wp-login.php

    Plugin Author eskapism


    Your server is probably behind a proxy or something similar, and thats why you see you server IP as the remote address. If you instead check the “_server_http_x_forwarded_for” value that is and that goes to an IP somewhere in Ukraine:

    My guess is that someone there simply is trying to login to your WordPress admin. Either a person or a computer part of a bot network or similar.

    Thread Starter Dolomats0


    Hmm ok fortunately I changed administration login but it s weird that he can achieve some attempt even if I m using a ReCaptcha and login URL is changed from default wp-admin

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