• Using 2.7

    It appears this problem has a different file for everyone.

    For me, it’s the admin.php, but that file is there and ready.

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  • ta322


    Please help!!!

    Warning: include_once(/home/ta322/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mu/) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: Success in /home/ta322/public_html/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 473

    Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/ta322/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mu/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/ta322/public_html/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 473

    That include path doesn’t look right. You include files not directories. I’d guess that you have an incomplete upload of WordPress-MU, so re-upload it. If that doesn’t work then deactivate the plugin and see if the problem goes away.

    I’m using 2.7.1 and have tried a few plugins so far. They are all doing the same thing. The wp_settings.php is trying to open a directory instead of a file. I have some older wordpress installations in the same server and they are working fine.

    I am trying to do a brand new install of WordPress MU and am having the exact same problem.. Any plugin that I attempt to install will throw warnings after activation and each time it is missing the file from the include path.

    Has anyone figured this out or is it a bug in the system?

    Well, I got tired of staring at the error so I just fixed it myself.. Not sure if this is a hack, (it may be fixed in SVN or something).

    What was happening is that the plugin array was being filled with both the directory path and the file path for each plugin activated.. So even though your plugin would run the include_once would also fail on the directory call.

    To fix this just replace line 582 of wp-settings.php with

    if ( is_file($plugin) && '' != $plugin && 0 == validate_file($plugin) && file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin) )

    All that I added is the is_file() check to be sure that include_once is trying to include a file and not a directory. The array should be fixed, but this will do it for now.

    I did something slightly different with mine. I noticed that the file that was supposed to be included was a directory path so I just went to wp_options for the blog and manually edited the active_plugins option and took off the trailing slash.

    on next plugins page view, everything went back to normal and the options got updated with the proper plugin path.

    It just hapens sometimes – i have checked and the file was missing, so I have just uploaded it once again. Done.

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