Same issue. LoL is there no way for us, to you know, just enter the API & Secret by hand without granting Yoast direct access to our Facebook? Seems a bit intrusive, let me explain why;
Users of this APP, after you have achieved desired usability, go to:
Find Yoast. You’ll find:
“WordPress SEO by Yoast may login as any of your ## Pages”
It claims all it needs access for is the API, nothing else. So, since it has the API, just delete the app, otherwise your granting Yoast access to control your pages. While I’m sure the plugin is trustworthy, it can’t hurt to bolster your security – many sell permissions for Likes etc.
Wouldn’t be pointing out the intrusion if the plugin worked as intended & I didn’t need to search the topic. I appreciate the simplicity for the intro user.
Give us manual control. Look forward to the fix.