Failed to update error with – WP 5.6.1
I am using your plugin and recently updated to WP 5.6.1 and I am experiencing some issues with saving out a custom post. I am getting the failed to update error. I think I have narrowed it down to the block editor not saving properly as the issue.
With no blocks the page saves.
Thank you,
Jai Ferraro
Not sure what to suggest here as it could still be any number of things contributing. We don’t have anything specific in CPTUI that’s affecting the editor screen, so it definitely feels like it’s going to be something else. The question is what though.
I may be able to provide some ideas to check on if you could screenshot and share them with the errors being shown, etc.
Hello Michael,
This is a quote from WPEngine. “looks like the same error is occurring with just the one Custom Post Type UI plugin on its own, so I think there’s something amiss with the plugin itself that you/your web devs may need to dive into – and you may need to get in touch with the plugin developer about. The specific error I’m seeing come up in the browser console is the following: POST …… So something’s weird with the json query that’s being run, which is going to be outside of our ability to work through and is best handled by your web devs, or the plugin developer, to assist with”
I did some extensive testing this morning with no luck and I think I have narrowed it down to an issue with my original posts prior to 5.6.1 and with new posts after. I am able to save pages fine but not CPT UI.
Feel free to email me directly at (at)
Thank you for your time,
Jai FerraroCan you visit CPTUI > Tools and paste me the contents on the right hand side for both the Post Types tab as well as the Taxonomies tab. I can import your CPTUI settings to a local install and see if I can recreate at all.
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Not presently managing to recreate an see any errors, but i’m on a pretty bare install with CPTUI, the “our work” post type above, and the TwentyTwentyOne theme.
Which theme are you on, assuming it’s potentially a freely available one somewhere? or is it a premium theme purchased?
Trying to isolate and narrow down things.
Not sure if you or WPEngine could provide the entirety of the POST error that the mention, that’d help out a fair amount as well.
Hello Michael,
This is a custom theme I created. I have used your plugin on many sites (maybe 10) of mine (all custom themes) but never had an issue with your plugin before. Although this is my first few sites on WPEngine.
POST 403
Further testing locally I am not able to recreate the issue myself but its only on the live site on WPEngine.
Thank you again,
Jai FerraroOut of curiosity, do things save and work fine if using the classic editor experience?
I will test that on Monday. Thank you for your help. Have a great weekend.
Jai Ferraro
Hello Michael,
I hope you had a great weekend!
So I tested with classic editor and it works but if I switch back it breaks again. “Publishing failed.” is the error I get when I switch back. I an not using any blocks that are not built into WP on these pages for ourwork (CPT).
Thank you,
Jai FerraroAlso I can save posts in normal posts but just not in CPT.
Still sounds to me like something else from inside the install, whether it be other plugins, perhaps something in the mu-plugins folder, or the theme are contributing to some errors here, but I have no way to isolate and point to what it is. At best I could maybe find something if I was logged in, but I’d also want to enable some script debugging as well with that, to hopefully better track down sources of the issue. Not sure how much you want to potentially let others in, and I understand if hesitant too.
Hello Michael,
Got pulled away. So we did a little further testing and migrated the live site to development and don’t get the same error. I was checking the Network tab in Chrome on save of the page and I get a Status Code: 403 on live and I get a 200 on dev. The only differences I can think of is that it could be a Cloudflare issue or Yoast hitting the api (we have premium). I personally think the issue is with WPengine but they are adamant that the issue is within the CPT plugin. We have a work around with the classic editor.
Thank you for your advice,
Jai FerraroNo worries. A couple days isn’t much at all…weeks on the other hand ??
403 would be something with regards to requests to the server, and as I’m seeing above, POST requests. So there’s an error occurring somewhere in between hitting save and what you’re seeing now. I would definitely be able to help more if I knew what was in the error logs and I’m not sure how much you’d want to potentially share those, though if you are, we would take that part to private correspondence.
The ability to get to the edit screen for the correct post type and start typing things in is showing, in my mind, that CPTUI itself is doing all its parts and properly, at least until I’m potentially shown to be incorrect.
Hello Michael,
How do I get those to you? I added you on LinkedIn.
Thank you,
Jai FerraroEither email [email protected] directly, or submit through and it’ll reach me.
Please link to as well so I can make sure I know which ticket will be yours.
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