• Resolved ajack036


    This is a continuation of the thread https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/multi-site-environment-2/#post-8635793

    I am still having trouble getting the import feed, it is not working and my settings page is not showing. I have uninstall and reinstalled the plugin, twice. I have tested the Import Feed on other child site in my Multi-site installation, and Import Feed works, settings page allows me to login.

    I have checked my server log and below is the errors I recieved after the latest uninstall/reinstall attempt.

    [16-Jan-2017 18:03:18 UTC] PHP Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/alcworld/public_html/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 508

    [16-Jan-2017 18:03:19 UTC] Created calendar: Created calendar. Please reload this page to try again. If this error persists, please contact us at [email protected]. In your report please include the information below.<br/>API URL: https://api.time.ly/api/calendars.<br/>Detail: 401 – Unauthorized. – raw error: Array


    [headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object


    [data:protected] => Array


    [cache-control] => no-cache

    [content-type] => text/html; charset=UTF-8

    [date] => Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:03:19 GMT

    [server] => nginx

    [set-cookie] => laravel_session=eyJpdiI6IlwvbHZxaXBKbER6YVIwRnIwWHA4XC91dz09IiwidmFsdWUiOiI5bk04OWZEUUUyRDVpMXVEZGNPMWt0b0lwcElTUG1EWlwvOFZUUWRHd0JXRkwwUHF4VmFnR0FHeTl6NXhjMEdwRGgwTU5FWXF6eFZUR2NpNytQc0w3elE9PSIsIm1hYyI6ImUzYTE1MTJhYjVmMjIzZWJkMGJiNTI2Zjk4ODgyZDQxYTRiMDc0NWZiY2QzMzdiMTg0OWZhMmJiOGY3YjAzMTQifQ%3D%3D; expires=Mon, 16-Jan-2017 20:03:19 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; domain=.time.ly; HttpOnly

    [x-ratelimit-limit] => 60

    [x-ratelimit-remaining] => 59

    [content-length] => 13



    [body] => Unauthorized.

    [response] => Array


    [code] => 401

    [message] => Unauthorized


    [cookies] => Array


    [0] => WP_Http_Cookie Object


    [name] => laravel_session


    [expires] => 1484596999

    [path] => /

    [domain] => time.ly



    [filename] =>

    [http_response] => WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object


    [response:protected] => Requests_Response Object


    [body] => Unauthorized.

    [raw] => HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:03:19 GMT

    Server: nginx

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    X-RateLimit-Limit: 60

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    Content-Length: 13

    Connection: Close


    [headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object


    [data:protected] => Array


    [cache-control] => Array


    [0] => no-cache


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    [date] => Array


    [0] => Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:03:19 GMT


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    [0] => nginx


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    [x-ratelimit-limit] => Array


    [0] => 60


    [x-ratelimit-remaining] => Array


    [0] => 59


    [content-length] => Array


    [0] => 13




    [status_code] => 401

    [protocol_version] => 1.1

    [success] =>

    [redirects] => 0

    [url] => https://api.time.ly/api/calendars

    [history] => Array



    [cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object


    [cookies:protected] => Array


    [laravel_session] => Requests_Cookie Object


    [name] => laravel_session


    [attributes] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object


    [data:protected] => Array


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    [max-age] => 1484596999

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    [reference_time] => 1484589799





    [filename:protected] =>

    [data] =>

    [headers] =>

    [status] =>



    [16-Jan-2017 18:04:53 UTC] PHP Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/alcworld/public_html/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 508

    [16-Jan-2017 18:04:54 UTC] Created calendar: Created calendar. Please reload this page to try again. If this error persists, please contact us at [email protected]. In your report please include the information below.<br/>API URL: https://api.time.ly/api/calendars.<br/>Detail: 401 - Unauthorized. - raw error: Array


    [headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object


    [data:protected] => Array


    [cache-control] => no-cache

    [content-type] => text/html; charset=UTF-8

    [date] => Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:04:54 GMT

    [server] => nginx

    [set-cookie] => laravel_session=eyJpdiI6InZ6eDY4YmFmeUNTZkJzOHFMZUtKc3c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoic3E3WXY0NFJqUDJ2ZXJIQ210Z0x0aFZxaDlKSWJSMWk3b1hVcXdmSkRzQ2xwTDF6RUpHeUVuaGlKd3lwb1FWbzVMcGprbmllbEhQNUNYdVE3clVkNkE9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjdkOGE4NzAzYTQwODczODU4YjI3YmYxOTAwYjFlMmYwY2IxMWRhNDQ4YjZiODIzNjlhODNlYTRiNDBhODI4NDYifQ%3D%3D; expires=Mon, 16-Jan-2017 20:04:54 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; domain=.time.ly; HttpOnly

    [x-ratelimit-limit] => 60

    [x-ratelimit-remaining] => 59

    [content-length] => 13



    [body] => Unauthorized.

    [response] => Array


    [code] => 401

    [message] => Unauthorized


    [cookies] => Array


    [0] => WP_Http_Cookie Object


    [name] => laravel_session


    [expires] => 1484597094

    [path] => /

    [domain] => time.ly



    [filename] =>

    [http_response] => WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object


    [response:protected] => Requests_Response Object


    [body] => Unauthorized.

    [raw] => HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 18:04:54 GMT

    Server: nginx

    Set-Cookie: laravel_session=eyJpdiI6InZ6eDY4YmFmeUNTZkJzOHFMZUtKc3c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoic3E3WXY0NFJqUDJ2ZXJIQ210Z0x0aFZxaDlKSWJSMWk3b1hVcXdmSkRzQ2xwTDF6RUpHeUVuaGlKd3lwb1FWbzVMcGprbmllbEhQNUNYdVE3clVkNkE9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjdkOGE4NzAzYTQwODczODU4YjI3YmYxOTAwYjFlMmYwY2IxMWRhNDQ4YjZiODIzNjlhODNlYTRiNDBhODI4NDYifQ%3D%3D; expires=Mon, 16-Jan-2017 20:04:54 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; domain=.time.ly; HttpOnly

    X-RateLimit-Limit: 60

    X-RateLimit-Remaining: 59

    Content-Length: 13

    Connection: Close


    [headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object


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    [0] => text/html; charset=UTF-8


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    [0] => 60


    [x-ratelimit-remaining] => Array


    [0] => 59


    [content-length] => Array


    [0] => 13




    [status_code] => 401

    [protocol_version] => 1.1

    [success] =>

    [redirects] => 0

    [url] => https://api.time.ly/api/calendars

    [history] => Array



    [cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object


    [cookies:protected] => Array


    [laravel_session] => Requests_Cookie Object


    [name] => laravel_session


    [attributes] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object


    [data:protected] => Array


    [expires] => 1484597094

    [max-age] => 1484597094

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    [domain] => time.ly

    [httponly] => 1



    [flags] => Array


    [creation] => 1484589894

    [last-access] => 1484589894

    [persistent] =>

    [host-only] =>


    [reference_time] => 1484589894





    [filename:protected] =>

    [data] =>

    [headers] =>

    [status] =>



  • The topic ‘Failing to Import Feed & Setting Page not showing’ is closed to new replies.