• Environment:
    WordPress 6.4.3
    Jetpack 13.2
    Jetpack Social 4.0.0

    Jetpack Social Configuration:
    Connected accounts: Facebook (business Page) , Tumblr, Instagram (business account)

    All three accounts connect correctly during Jetpack Social configuration. The correct accounts are discovered and displayed by Jetpack Social during configuration.

    Observations / Issues:
    – Tumblr auto-post succeeds
    – Instagram (Business) fails 100% of the time. Never shows up for work.
    – Facebook ignores ‘Featured Image’, always shares first ‘Content Image’.

    -Issues persist when all other plugins are deactivated.
    -Issues persist when caching is cleared and disabled.

    I have tried to get Instagram to work in two modalities. First as a ‘Business Account’ and also by testing as a ‘Creators Account’. Both fail. Link here.

    I have adhered to the Jetpack Social Image file sizing guide, but still no success for Instagram.

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  • Hi @xizor,

    I can see you mentioned having issues sharing posts to Instagram, but I noticed that the “Rest is Work” post was shared successfully as you can see here. I can also see that the Featured image was captured correctly there and shared as well. Can you share a post example that failed to share? Please try to share it manually before posting it here for further investigation.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Plugin Support Tamirat B. (a11n)


    Hello @xizor,

    Do you have updates about that? We usually close inactive threads after one week of no activity, but we want to make sure we’re all set before marking it as solved. Thanks!

    Thread Starter MindCreatesMeaning


    Jetpack Social has proven to be a bit ‘unpredictable’ with regard to instagram. I had to cease testing because of the arbitrary share limit imposed by Jetpack Social.

    Prior to ‘credits’ running out – I noticed that if all variables were identical (file dimensions, file size, etc.), I would see 1 in 3 posts successfully sharing to Instagram.

    Thank you for checking in on the status of this thread, it’s thorough and much appreciated.

    For now, I’m resolving this issue because I’m currently pursuing non Jetpack Social solutions (may return, may not).

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