• We’re running some sites on a Nginx server with a php5-fpm multi server block setup. We’ve been trying to get Falcon Engine working on our server, but to no avail. This is the progress we’ve made so far:

    • We have a testing environment, with a clean wordpress install, wordfence is the only plugin. Falcon engine enabled.
    • We have set up nginx as per advice on this post i.e: an ‘include’ statement in the main nginx.conf that calls /etc/nginx/conf.d/wf.conf, in which we placed the usual wordfence code within a server {} statemet. (this is following Turtle’s advice on last post on said thread). Nginx restarted, and checked the config is loaded up.
    • Falcon seems to be caching pages successfully: the wfcache directory has been created, and a html file for the homepage is in there.
    • This cached page is not served to visitors (we are checking this out via the html comment on the bottom of page generated by Falcon). We tried this out from different stations and IPs.

    We are now stuck, really don’t know what to try next.
    Any suggestions on how to track down where our problem may be would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot!


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  • Hi,

    The pages are regular http and not https? Looks like it should be working. As an experiment, try configuring the rules in the nginx.conf file using this post:


    It may yield the same results but it is a different approach to implementing.


    Brian, thanks for the swift response.
    All our sites are regular http.
    Alas, we cannot try out the procedure in the link you suggest; it implies replacing the whole nginx.config file with a new one containing the WF code, but we cannot do that as our nginx.config has some custom code, and some client sites are running on this server which we cannot disable for experimentation.

    If you have any other suggestion it would be appreciated. We’ll keep on researching the issue and post back on our findings.
    Thanks again.

    Ok, we’ve been able to get Falcon working in our setup with some modifications to the sugested configurations:

    • We have included the custom nginx code on a per server block basis (trying to implement it for the overall nginx.conf was not working for us).
    • We have modified the code by removing the “/site/” component in urls, which was not used in our routes (both on the file exists check and the rewrite path)
    • We disabled the gzip option by commenting out the “set $wordfenceEncoding _gzip” out. It was giving us problems and can live without it.

    So, with all this tweaks our sites are caching successfully and serving the cached page to qualifying visitors.
    It’s not fully working yet, because only the homepage is being cached. Some other users have experienced this in the past, but we haven’t found any solution yet. Anyway, this seems to be another problem, related to the plugin itself rather than the nginx config, so we’ll post about it on its own thread.

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