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  • I am also seeing this false warning on Chrome 38.

    I am seeing this as well.

    Glad to see that it’s not just me experiencing this.

    Yes, i just started seeing the warning today as well. I am using the most recent version of chrome. I even turned off show warning for chrome and it still pops up. A quick plugin update would be greatly appreciated!

    Just popping in to verify v38 is producing a false error for me as well. ??

    Same case here…

    WP version 4.0
    Advanced Browser Check Version plugin v3.1.0
    Browser, Chrome 38.0.2125.101

    it seems to be the problem.. the library does not recognize the major version.

    Yep. This renders the plugin useless. Both Safari and Chrome are getting “old browser” warnings even though detection is disabled.

    Debug Info:
    browser_name: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.101 Safari/537.36
    browser_name_regex: ^mozilla/5\.0 \(.*mac os x 10_(\d).*\) applewebkit/.* \(khtml, like gecko\).*chrome/.*safari/.*$
    browser_name_pattern: Mozilla/5.0 (*Mac OS X 10_9*) AppleWebKit/* (KHTML, like Gecko)*Chrome/*Safari/*
    Parent: Chrome Generic
    Platform: MacOSX
    Platform_Version: 10.9
    Browser: Chrome
    Frames: 1
    IFrames: 1
    Tables: 1
    Cookies: 1
    JavaScript: 1
    JavaApplets: 1
    CssVersion: 1
    Comment: DefaultProperties
    Version: 0.0
    MajorVer: 0
    MinorVer: 0
    AolVersion: 0

    Same problem for me..
    Please has anyone a solution ?

    Plugin Author Mattias


    Hey all,

    I have just update the plugin. The major change is removal of Browscap that only gave more problems then it solved ??

    This include fixing the issues that been with Chrome 38 and Safari 7.1

    Error on line 109 of abc-core.php with this user agent

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.104 Safari/537.36

    Please check it

    Plugin Author Mattias



    Thanks for the info, I will look at this during the weekend and get back to yo.

    Any news?

    Plugin Author Mattias


    Sry for the delay, I have been busy and will look at this as soon as I can and update you when I have.

    Plugin Author Mattias


    I have updated the plugin with a fix. It should work for you now, I’m unable to reproduce the issue.

    Let me know.

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