• Hi,

    I use default permalinks.

    Cpu usage on average 10-20% , global load 0.30 to 0.40 with sometimes traffic spikes.

    To get a better SEO result, I wanted to enable fancy permalinks structure with Year/month/day/Posttitle.
    After letting it run like that for about 16 hours (second test run, one test run was also done in October 2007, same results).

    Tested with:
    1) normal setup: Wp-Super cache Half On, default permalinks
    2) Fancy permalinks , WP – Super cache FULL ON
    3) Fancy permalinks , WP-Super Cache HALF ON
    4) Fancy permalinks , WP-Super Cache OFF

    1) CPU 10-15% ; Load average 0.07-0.50
    2) CPU 60-70% ; Load average 1.20-3.50 (run in this mode for about 10 hours so wp super cache had time to create all cached pages (wp super cache did its job, server load dropped with about 30-40% after creating all pages in a timespan of 4-5 hours)
    3) Same cpu and load average as in 2)
    4) CPU 70-80% ; Load average went to 6.00-9.00

    So I can only conclude that having fancy permalinks enabled costs you up to 4 times more CPU power.

    Remark: WP super cache was tested in version 0.8.5 and 0.8.7 , everything was checked multiple times, cached pages were created and present in the correct folders/subfolders . Check on site itself gave the right Page server by cache notes.
    No traffic spikes occurred, just my average traffic

    So Can this be right? Since I really would like to have fancy permalinks for SEO purposes…. (but having to upgrade my server can easily cost my up to 25-50$ a month extra)

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  • Your queries seem low enough, is that with the default theme, or with i3Theme?

    So i3Theme does cause more load than the default? Do you think that is a contributing factor? Or does adding i3Theme increase your load by 3-4 times, and then enabling fancy permalinks adds another 5-10 times?

    Thread Starter loller6661


    Queries with default theme.
    i3Theme causes about 3 times more hits due to the sidebars etc

    Yes the theme is a high factor when it comes to cpu usage.

    I remember my cpu going up when I changed theme from default to i3Theme with about 3-4 times more hits (had my site then at servage.net and they only show cpu hits – about 2 years ago)

    in other words using custome theme + fancy permalinks :
    default x 3 (I3Theme) x 5 (fancy permalinks) = 15x

    Maybe it would be best try and get an answer straight from the horse’s mouth on these problems.

    Donncha might have seen this problem before, but on his site, he says:

    Support queries and requests should be made through the Super Cache forum.

    Which is this forum here, but specifically with the “wp-super-cache” tag. So I went ahead and tagged this thread with that, so maybe you can flag him down and get some expert advice ??

    And it looks like Mickey is supporting his themes right through the comments.

    But reducing the load of the theme should be pretty simple, you could take things like this link to your stylesheet:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="all" />

    And replace the PHP with a hard link straight to your sheet, that’s one less query that has to be made.

    I’ve never bothered to get that indepth with my themes, but for you, when you are serving tens of thousands of pageviews per day, even just adding a little more compression to your images can add up to real money fast!

    Thread Starter loller6661


    Oke thanks for your advice and follow up so far!

    I’ll do some adaptions next weekend (during the week I need to do hard labor ofcourse ?? )

    No problem loller. Yeah I hear you there, that 9-5 always gets in the way!

    it’s a well known fact that any code in htaccess dramatically increases server / apache load – and wp-super-cache uses .htaccess rules heavily, which, in combination with another edits needed for fancy permalinks, may be the reason for this increase.

    Thread Starter loller6661


    Have there been done any tests by the wordpress team when changing the default to fancy permalinks ? Since I can only test on my site of course, and I’m no expert.

    Because the increase seems to come solely from fancy permalinks structure.

    When wpsuper cache is half on (meaning to super cache pluging rules in htaccess) but fancy permalinks on, the cpu/server load is still a lot higher then normally. (test 3)

    I opened a bug:
    Fill it if you still have this problem.

    Do the users experiencing issues happen to use alot of pages and/or subpages on these installs?

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