• Resolved can370


    I am setting a FAQ where some items are in more than one category. The second time an item appears, the expand button does not work.

    Is there a way to get round this?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi can370,

    yes this is small issue in our plugin.

    Soon we will fixed this and release a new version. We will notify you when our update is ready to download.

    Thanks for mention this issue.


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    yes this is small issue in our plugin.

    @priyanshumittal Does @abhipathak have anything to do with this plugin? If so, consider marking that account as Plugin Support. The moderators will thank you if you do.

    Same problem over here.
    But I’ve a work a round:

    Edit the file /wp-content/plugins/html5-responsive-faq/include/hrf-faq.php
    Replace line 46 to 46 with the following code:

    $HrfFAQuniqueID = rand(10000,99999);
    $html .= '<article class="hrf-entry" id="hrf-entry-'.$faq_query->post->ID.'-'.$HrfFAQuniqueID.'">
    <'.$head_tag.' class="hrf-title close-faq" data-content-id="hrf-content-'.$faq_query->post->ID.'-'.$HrfFAQuniqueID.'"><span></span>'.get_the_title().'</'.$head_tag.'>
    <div class="hrf-content" id="hrf-content-'.$faq_query->post->ID.'-'.$HrfFAQuniqueID.'">'.apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ).'</div>

    If you update the plugin, the code needs to be changed again.

    Works for version 2.7.6 see: Taucher-FAQ

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by thomei.

    @can370 How did you separate the answers that belong to the category under category.
    category 1
    question answer

    category 2
    question answer

    category 3
    question answer

    thank you


    [hrf_faqs category='category-1']
    [hrf_faqs category='category-2']
    [hrf_faqs category='category-3']
    [hrf_faqs category='category-4']

    Read below the Plugin-Settings for more!

    Are there plans to integrate my code above to integrate in to the plugin? Or are you working on a better solution? What’s the time schedule for the next plugin release?

    Plugin Author a.ankit


    Released 2.7.9 .It fixes the toggle issue caused by having one faq under multiple categories.

    Seams to work fine for me.

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