Thanks VaamYob – I’ll download latest version now and report any errors.
Did you consider my suggestion re: the ability to turn off category allocation on a question by question basis?
Update: Downloading was a breeze. No errors to report.
Re: Thanks so much for taking on board new suggestions VaamYob. I noticed after I installed your latest version the checkbox to allocate questions to Categories on a question by question basis. Thank you very much!
Just a note: While I haven’t checked any category in this trial run, output on the page still shows a default category with each question, which in my case is “Articles” as it is the first category alphabetically?
Sorry VaamYob – you did put my suggestion to good use – I just failed to refresh! It now works. I can allocate a question to a category if I want to – or I can just post a FAQ without allocating a category. Brilliant!
PS: Other than unchecking a category to the two mock questions I have, with answers, on my page I’m only getthing the question to appear but no answer. I’ve approved the questions in the admin panel, used my daughter’s name and email address in the particulars section but still no answer.
You can see it HERE.
I looked under the hood and saw this with both answers:
How can I get around this?