• Fast Secure Contact Form 4.0 Beta 3 is just released

    Download here:

    Fast Secure Contact Form 4.0 Beta 3 for WordPress

    After one year of hard work, Mike Challis and Ken Carlson have redeveloped the whole WordPress plugin.

    We’re looking for volunteers that currently use our WordPress plugin to test the new 4.0 Beta version. This is a beta build and could potentially have bugs that we don’t know of. Please stress test and let us know of any issues.

    Beta testers, please share your feedback on the plugin
    We welcome enhancement suggestions, any errors or issues you encounter.
    Please post them in this support forum.

    I really need users, who wanted the external CSS feature, to test it thoroughly before the Beta ends

    Please report any errors or bugs in A NEW TOPIC in this Support Forum.
    Please put BETA with your subject line, give specific details about the issue, steps needed to duplicate, and include a URL to your form page.

    Version 4.0 Beta 3 09/16/2013

    Changes since 4.0 Beta 2:

    added more ID tags to form HTML.
    More work on the Styles tab:
    added new setting to “Select the method of delivering the form style”:
    “Internal Style Sheet CSS (default)”
    “External Style Sheet CSS (requires editing theme style.css)”
    By default, the FSCF form styles are editable below when using “Internal Style Sheet CSS”. The style is included inline in the form HTML.

    CSS experts will like the flexibility of using their own custom style sheet by enabling “External Style Sheet CSS”, then the FSCF CSS will NOT be included inline in the form HTML, and the custom CSS below must be included in the style.css of the theme. Be sure to remember this if you switch your theme later on.

    Premium themes can now add support for Fast Secure Contact Form style in the theme’s style.css. (probably should wait until beta ends though). Select “External Style Sheet CSS” when instructed by the theme’s installation instructions.

    Note: if you use the setting “reset the alignment styles to labels on left(or top)”, or “Reset the styles of labels, field inputs, buttons, and text”, then the custom CSS below will reflect the changes. You would have to edit your custom CSS again to see the changes on the form.

    “Required field” will also be set when double email is enabled in the Email Address field settings.
    added Save Changes button to field details on the Fields tab
    added (standard field) note next to standard field names on the Fields tab.
    added note “Standard field names can be changed on the Labels tab.” to the field details on the Fields tab
    added standard field note will indicate if a (standard field name was changed on the Labels tab).
    added a couple more filters.
    If you have changed a standard field label, it will display the changed label in bold on the Fields tab.
    Optimized code for email from name when name field is disabled.
    Fix bug: date validation failed if date field was emptied, even if date not required.
    Added “After form message” setting to the “Advanced’ tab, you can use this to add any HTML after the form.
    Adjusted CAPTCHA difficulty down slightly.
    Fix bug: now uses correct Return-path address setting for the confirmation email
    Fix bug: confirmation email might send to admin if email field is disabled
    updated https://www.fastsecurecontactform.com/how-to-add-extra-fields
    Editorial changes to field instructions.
    Fix bug: the tools tab lost focus when submitting a tool option

    Have fun!

    Mike Challis


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  • Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    download updated

    Changes since 4.0 Beta 3
    Fix bug: time fields now obey required, not required.
    added new setting to Advanced tab: “Enable to skip names of non-required and unfilled-out fields in emails.”
    Fix bug: required field checkbox was stuck on required on every field when double email field was enabled.
    added more ID tags to form HTML.

    I get an asterisk posted in silent send before all select fields and only select fields (can tell because using DB storage plugin that jibes with FS)

    The exact same settings are in the redirect and activated with the query string (what I use to debug) – and they do NOT have asterisks – this is bizarre

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    if the method is POST, it does not have to be urlencoded, therefore the * is not converted to %2a

    the redirect URL has to be urlencoded, so the * is converted to %2a

    Thanks for contact me about this, because I have just noticed that the * prefix is not necessary for single selections, so I removed it, you should only have a ‘ * ‘ separating fields with multiple selected options from now on.

    The download will be updated tonight or tomorrow.
    My web host moved my site to a new server so there could be some dns resolving to old server for a couple days.

    new changes:
    All time field selects default to blank, then you select them.
    Improved the time validation: if a time field is not required and you select hour but not day, it will fail validation with message: “The time selections are incomplete, select all or none.”
    the * prefix is really not necessary for single selections, so I removed it,
    you should only have a ‘ * ‘ separating fields with multiple selected options from now on.

    — feedback on the plugin

    Hi Mike, I am actually evaluating different contact form plugins right now and first of all, let me say that between the version 3, witch consist basicly of all options in text on a single page, and version 4, more organize, even with a drag and drop option, the changes in the interface are welcome.

    And I like the fact that I can disable mandatory fields ??

    Wich leads me to this next paragraph …

    — Enhancement suggestions

    ***Drag and drop? Why not one field on the side of another instead of all fields over another? Two rows would be nice.

    **Watermark text in the fields are a way to give information or extra infos to the submiter. It can even replace the label of a field.
    See it here https://www.marimage.ca/pagetestcontact/ (from Contact form 7) This is not the same thing has the default option since the watermark will dissapear when the user type in that field.

    *Error messages could be pre-translated in the language of the wordpress installation.

    *Since the tabs are still a little long, it would be nice to have the “Save Changes” clic at the top of every tab too instead of only at the bottom.

    — Errors or issues

    *I Added a date field, with date format yyyy/mm/dd, 24h format (just to be sure that you have the same config) and in the page the field is not wide enought. I only see “yyyy/mm” and that’s it.

    I think that is enougt for one message ??

    I get an error message when uploading the plugin:

    “Unpacking the package…

    Installing the plugin…

    The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.

    Plugin install failed.”

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    not sure what the error is, but nobody has problems if you do this:

    scroll half way down this page to
    How do I install it?

    follow those instructions

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    alexandreracine, thanks for testing.

    I will have to save some things for a future update.

    someday I might make a watermark setting
    You can do watermark roght now though,

    Example: you have a phone field and want to show an example entry of (xxx)xxx-xxxx and when they click the field it disappears.

    On the form edit page go to the extra field you have for Phone and add a “Default value:” (xxx)xxx-xxxx
    Next, add this to the “Attributes:”
    onfocus="if(this.value=='(xxx)xxx-xxxx')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='(xxx)xxx-xxxx';"

    There are language translations, they will need updating when the beta is done.

    I will look into the button at top.

    Testing this feature as well. Looks like it’s working well.

    Is there a place where I can download all the default css values? I realize they are specific to a form but if I had the default values for say form1 I could edit those. That way I wouldn’t have to start from scratch?

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    This is no longer a beta. The current version downloads from wordpress.

    The default css files are located in the program directory (just for reference)

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