Scenario 1:
Optimize JavaScript Code?
Aggregate JS-files?
Exclude scripts from Autoptimize:wp-includes/js/dist/,wp-includes/js/tinymce/,js/jquery/jquery.js, js/jquery/jquery.min.js
Optimize CSS Code?
Aggregate CSS-files?
Also aggregate inline CSS?
Eliminate render-blocking CSS? (Using Critcal CSS)
Exclude CSS from Autoptimize:wp-content/cache/, wp-content/uploads/, admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css
Optimize HTML Code?
Keep HTML comments?
CDN Base URL: [ listed]
Save aggregated script/css as static files?
Minify excluded CSS and JS files?
Image lazy-loading will delay the loading of non-visible images to allow the browser to optimally load all resources for the “above the fold”-page first.
These are my results; Very poor but site works
Scenario 2:
Optimize JavaScript Code?
Aggregate JS-files?
Exclude scripts from Autoptimize:wp-includes/js/dist/,wp-includes/js/tinymce/,js/jquery/jquery.js, js/jquery/jquery.min.js
Optimize CSS Code?
Aggregate CSS-files?
Also aggregate inline CSS?
Eliminate render-blocking CSS? (Using Critcal CSS)
Exclude CSS from Autoptimize:wp-content/cache/, wp-content/uploads/, admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css
Optimize HTML Code?
Keep HTML comments?
CDN Base URL: [ listed]
Image lazy-loading will delay the loading of non-visible images to allow the browser to optimally load all resources for the “above the fold”-page first.
These are my results; Better but not good but site’s CSS is all broken