• Hi,
    I just installed simple-subscribe plugin and activated it. since then I cannot log into my admin panel. It says

    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function Nette\Utils\mb_strtoupper() in /home/ebaysell/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-subscribe/libs/Nette/Nette.min.php on line 7191”

    How can I fix this error ?

    This is very urgent.

    Thank you

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  • You’ll need to use FTP or Cpanel (ask your hosts if you don’t know how to use one of those) to delete that plugin from your plugins folder on the server – find it here:

           simple-subscribe - DELETE THIS FOLDER

    Thread Starter ashanr


    Thanks it works and sometimes I have this error when searching the plugins to install.

    An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with www.ads-software.com or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.

    what’s wrong ?


    That’s generally a problem on the server. Where is your site hosted and what version of PHP is it running?

    Thread Starter ashanr


    I hosted my site on hostinglions.com

    There is another problem that I faced. I cannot add facebook page like button on my WP site. Why is that ? I’ve tried couple of times, but its not appears on the site.


    I got the code from here.

    Thank you

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