• Resolved bhomatude


    I’ve been successfully running WPSSO for awhile now and all of a sudden I logged into the wp dashboard, clicked on the pages tab and a fatal error notification came from the ithemes exchange plugin. The message is not generated anywhere else in dashboard – just the pages tab.

    I started to go through the process of searching for plugin conflicts when something caught my eye that looked different — The open graph social thumbnail image generated by WPSSO in the pages column. I had not seen that before. Hmm. So I deactivated WPSSO and the fatal error was gone.

    I’m also running All in one SEO and deactivated that and re-activated WPSSO and the fatal error returned.

    Not sure where to even start with this. Ideas?


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  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    If you can provide the fatal error message, I might be able to help.

    WPSSO looks for custom, featured, attached, images etc. for each page in the list. It sounds like iThemes has a hook into something and some of their code might not be loaded. With the error message, I might be able to find a solution.


    Thread Starter bhomatude


    Hi — Yes here is the error message:

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function it_exchange() in ithemes-exchange/lib/templates/messages.php on line 20

    line 20:

    <?php if ( it_exchange( 'messages', 'has-errors' ) ) : ?>

    Entire messages.php:

     * This file contains the markup for error and
     * notice messages.
     * @since 0.4.0
     * @version 1.0.0
     * @link https://ithemes.com/codex/page/Exchange_Template_Updates
     * @package IT_Exchange
     * WARNING: Do not edit this file directly. To use
     * this template in a theme, simply copy over this
     * file's content to the exchange directory located
     * at your templates root.
     * Example: theme/exchange/messages.php
    <?php if ( it_exchange( 'messages', 'has-errors' ) ) : ?>
    	<ul class="it-exchange-messages it-exchange-errors">
    		<?php while ( it_exchange( 'messages', 'errors' ) ) : ?>
    			<li><?php it_exchange( 'messages', 'error' ); ?></li>
    		<?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( it_exchange( 'messages', 'has-notices' ) ) : ?>
    	<ul class="it-exchange-messages it-exchange-notices">
    		<?php while ( it_exchange( 'messages', 'notices' ) ) : ?>
    			<li><?php it_exchange( 'messages', 'notice' ); ?></li>
    		<?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    You should provide that info to your theme developer. Did you update your theme about the same time?


    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    You could try unchecking the “Apply WordPress Content Filters” option on the SSO Advanced settings page, in case that code is somehow hooked into the WordPress content filters (see here for more info https://wpsso.com/codex/plugins/wpsso/installation/debugging-and-problem-solving/).


    Thread Starter bhomatude


    Unchecking the “Apply WordPress Content Filters” option did the trick. Thanks.

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    Great. Don’t forget to let the theme authors know of this problem so they can fix their code. ??


    I also just had to do this as the plugin was crashing the pages and posts views in wpadmin. It was also crashing the edit page view.

    Strange as it has been working fine up until today and the only thing I changed today was I added a breadcrumb plugin (which I haven’t deactivated since).

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Strange as it has been working fine up until today and the only thing I changed today was I added a breadcrumb plugin (which I haven’t deactivated since).

    @alex997 Per the forum welcome please post your own topic.


    This topic is marked resolved and doesn’t have much to do with your problem.

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