• When I go to my client’s website, acgstructures.com, I get this fatal error.

    Call to undefined function sketch_get_option() in /home/acgstruc/public_html/wp-content/themes/analyticallitechild/front-page.php on line 4

    I go to that file and this is what’s there….

    <?php global $themename; global $shortname; ?>
    if ( ‘page’ == get_option( ‘show_on_front’ ) ) {
    if (sketch_get_option($shortname.’_hide_frontlayout’) == ‘false’) {
    global $shortname;
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <!– #Container Area –>
    <div id=”container”>
    <div class=”front_content clearfix”>
    for($skebgi=1;$skebgi < 4;$skebgi++){
    $skebg_imgT = sketch_get_option($shortname.’_sl’.$skebgi.’_title’);
    $skebg_imgC = sketch_get_option($shortname.’_sl’.$skebgi.’_content’);
    $skebg_capsArr[] = array(“title”=>$skebg_imgT,”descp”=>$skebg_imgC);
    <?php if(!empty($skebg_capsArr)){ ?>
    <div class=”skegallry_captions skebg_fimgcap”>

    <div id=”skebggallery_cap”>
    <?php foreach($skebg_capsArr as $skebg_nm) { ?>
    <?php if($skebg_nm[‘title’] || $skebg_nm[‘descp’]) { ?>
    <div class=”skegallery_citem”>
    <div class=”skegallry_thread”></div>
    <div class=”skecap_itemwrap”>
    <div class=”skebg_caption”>
    <?php if($skebg_nm[‘title’]){ ?><div class=”skebg_title”><?php echo $skebg_nm[‘title’]; ?></div><?php } ?>
    <?php if($skebg_nm[‘descp’]){ ?><div class=”skebg_descp”><?php echo $skebg_nm[‘descp’]; ?></div><?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.’_fvd_title’) || sketch_get_option($shortname.’_fvd_descp’)) { ?>
    <div class=”skegallry_captions skebg_fvdcap” style=”display:none;”>

    <div id=”skebggallery_cap”>
    <div class=”skegallery_citem” style=”display:block;”>
    <div class=”skegallry_thread”></div>
    <div class=”skecap_itemwrap”>
    <div class=”skebg_caption” style=”display:block;”>
    <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.’_fvd_title’)){ ?><div class=”skebg_title”><?php echo sketch_get_option($shortname.’_fvd_title’); ?></div><?php } ?>
    <?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.’_fvd_descp’)){ ?><div class=”skebg_descp”><?php echo sketch_get_option($shortname.’_fvd_descp’); ?></div><?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <!– #Container Area –>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    }else{ include(‘index-page.php’); }
    } else {
    include( get_home_template() );

    I don’t know enough about writing code to see what’s wrong…..PLEASE HELP!

    I’ve already tried deactivating plugins and re-updating the newest version of WP.

    Right now I have a maintenance page showing up so people don’t see the error.

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Do you have FTP access? If you rename the folder of your current active theme, it should automatically deactivate. You can name it back afterwards.

    Thread Starter bilrosenberger


    Yes. I haven’t used it much, so I’ll have to refresh my memory on how to do it.

    Thread Starter bilrosenberger


    I have the FTP all set up and ready to go. I remembered more than I thought I would.

    Rename my file, where? I have cPanel access too, if that’s easier. Rename it in my “Public_html/wp-content/themes” folder?

    “you can name it back afterwards”…..after what?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support



    “you can name it back afterwards”…..after what?

    The task is to rename your ‘analyticallitechild’ Child Theme folder to something else, it can be an arbitrary name. Then you can name it back to ‘analyticallitechild’ afterwards.

    Thread Starter bilrosenberger


    Then you can name it back to ‘analyticallitechild’ afterwards.

    Afterwards??? After what? Are you saying to rename the folder and then just change it back?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Yes I am saying that if you rename the folder of ‘analyticallitechild’, it should automatically deactivate.

    Thread Starter bilrosenberger


    I’m not trying to deactivate it, I’m trying to fix it. I tried what you said, and the site came up with the parent theme, but all messed up. Then I changed the name back and it’s still the same.

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