I’m getting the same “FATAL ERROR” since updating to Askimet 2.50 on one of the blogs I have. It is on the root of the primary domain and another blog running in as an add on in its own directory I updated and NO FATAL ERROR THERE.
I have 12 other blogs I have updated to v 2.50 and NO problems or errors accessing admin on any of them.
Therefore I think only the one blog then begs the question: Is the problem with askimet OR the theme on the blogs getting the errors.
I FTP’d into the server, deleted the files in:
And now I can access wp-admin for this blog without error. Problem is of course, no Askimet.
Maybe the info above will point someone here or at Askimet in the direction for a resolve to this issue.
Not being a PHP Programmer I’m at a loss as to what my findings actually indicate, but for now at least I can access admin.
I think I have a previous version of Askimet here somewhere. I’ll try installing that and see what happens while hopefully someone finds an actual fix.