• Resolved Maggy



    I keep getting the following error when logging in to my site:

    Een fout van het type E_ERROR werd veroorzaakt op regelnummer 301 van het bestand domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php. Foutmelding: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController::get_settings() must be of the type array, null given, called in /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php on line 95 and defined in /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php:301
    Stack trace:
    #0 /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php(95): Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController->get_settings(NULL, '')
    #1 /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController->Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\{closure}(NULL, '')
    #2 /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-includes/plugin.php(191): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NU

    After refreshing all is normal again. The error seems to occur randomly. Sometimes upon loggin in and sometimes upon saving posts or pages.

    Not sure where to look to solve this error.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Hi @e-marquers,

    This may be in relation to this bug which is something that cropped up with WC 6.6 – there is a release of 6.6.1 that should resolve it, so please update if you have not.

    If you are on 6.6.1, then if possible could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    This gives us an idea of what is on the site which might cause this.


    Thread Starter Maggy


    Hey Mike,

    We are already on 6.6.1.
    Here’s a copy of the Sytem status (for privacy reasons i changed the url, if you need it let me know)

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL): https://mysite.com
    Site address (URL): https://mysite.com
    WC Version: 6.6.1
    REST API Version: ? 6.6.1
    WC Blocks Version: ? 7.6.2
    Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.4.0
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: 6.0
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 256 MB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: ?
    Language: nl_NL
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.4.24
    PHP Post Max Size: 64 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 30
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    cURL Version: 7.64.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.3.34-MariaDB-0+deb10u1-log
    Max Upload Size: 64 MB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
    fsockopen/cURL: ?
    SoapClient: ?
    DOMDocument: ?
    GZip: ?
    Multibyte String: ?
    Remote Post: ?
    Remote Get: ?
    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 6.3.1
    WC Database Prefix: wp_
    Totale database grootte: 205.82MB
    Database gegevens grootte: 194.86MB
    Database index grootte: 10.96MB
    wp_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 0.06MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM
    wp_woocommerce_api_keys: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM
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    wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Data: 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine MyISAM
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    wp_term_taxonomy: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB
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    wp_wfstatus: Data: 0.16MB + Index: 0.11MB + Engine InnoDB
    wp_wftrafficrates: Data: 0.02MB + Index: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB
    ### Post Type Counts ###
    attachment: 244
    custom_css: 1
    elementor_library: 16
    nav_menu_item: 32
    oembed_cache: 7
    page: 40
    post: 76
    product: 1
    r3d: 1
    revision: 597
    seedprod: 1
    shop_order: 17
    shop_subscription: 17
    talent-workshops: 1
    trainingen-en-worksh: 6
    workshops: 3
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (26) ###
    ManageWP - Worker: door GoDaddy – 4.9.14
    Akeeba Backup for WordPress: door Akeeba Ltd – 7.6.9
    Astra Pro: door Brainstorm Force – 3.6.11
    BackWPup: door Inpsyde GmbH – 3.10.0
    Classic Editor: door WordPress Contributors – 1.6.2
    Antispam door CleanTalk: door СleanTalk  – 5.180.2
    Code Snippets: door Code Snippets Pro – 3.1.1
    Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent: door Really Simple Plugins – 6.2.4
    Yoast Duplicate Post: door Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast – 4.5
    Elementor Pro: door Elementor.com – 3.7.2
    Elementor: door Elementor.com – 3.6.6
    Facebook for WooCommerce: door Facebook – 2.6.17
    Insert Headers and Footers: door WPBeginner – 1.6.2
    JetBlog For Elementor: door Crocoblock – 2.3.0
    JetEngine: door Crocoblock – 3.0.0
    Mollie-betalingen voor WooCommerce: door Mollie – 7.2.0
    PixelYourSite: door PixelYourSite – 9.1.1
    Real3D Flipbook Elementor Addon: door creativeinteractivemedia – 1.0.1
    Real3D Flipbook: door creativeinteractivemedia – 3.34
    Rank Math SEO: door Rank Math –
    Tawk.to Live Chat: door Tawkto – 0.7.2
    WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: door WP Overnight – 2.16.0
    WooCommerce Subscriptions: door WooCommerce – 3.1.6
    WooCommerce ThinkWise: door Zoccolo – 1.0.0
    WooCommerce: door Automattic – 6.6.1
    Wordfence Security: door Wordfence – 7.5.11
    ### Inactive Plugins (0) ###
    ### Must Use Plugins (3) ###
    akeeba-backup-coreupdate.php: door  –
    installatron_hide_status_test.php: door  –
    ManageWP - Worker Loader: door GoDaddy –
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: –
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: EUR (€)
    Currency Position: left_space
    Thousand Separator: .
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    subscription (subscription)
    variable (variable)
    variable subscription (variable-subscription)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to WooCommerce.com: –
    Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: –
    ### WC Pages ###
    Winkelbasis: #4055 - /winkel/
    Winkelwagen: #4056 - /winkelwagen/
    Afrekenen: #4057 - /afrekenen/
    Mijn account: #4058 - /mijn-account/
    Algemene voorwaarden: #4081 - /algemene-voorwaarden/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Child-theme
    Version: 1.0.0
    Author URL: https://www.e-markers.nl
    Child Theme: ?
    Parent Theme Name: Astra
    Parent Theme Version: 3.8.4 – 3.8.5 is beschikbaar
    Parent Theme Author URL: https://wpastra.com/about/?utm_source=theme_preview&utm_medium=author_link&utm_campaign=astra_theme
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: –
    ### Abonnementen ###
    WCS_DEBUG: ? Nee
    Subscriptions Mode: ? Live
    Subscriptions Live URL: https://mysite.com
    Subscription Statuses: wc-active: 16
    wc-cancelled: 1
    WooCommerce Account Connected: ? No
    Report Cache Enabled: ? Ja
    Cache Update Failures: ? 0 fout
    ### Winkel configureren ###
    Country / State: Nederland
    ### Abonnementen per betaalmethode ###
    Directe bankoverschrijving: wc-active: 1
    Mollie - iDEAL: wc-active: 15
    wc-cancelled: 1
    ### Ondersteuning betaalmethode ###
    Directe bankoverschrijving: products
    Mollie - iDEAL: products
    ### Admin ###
    Enabled Features: activity-panels
    Disabled Features: minified-js
    Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2022-07-12 15:57:59 +02:00
    Options: ?
    Notes: 63
    Onboarding: completed
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 18.503
    Oldest: 2022-06-11 09:01:25 +0200
    Newest: 2022-07-12 08:57:32 +0200
    Pending: 20
    Oldest: 2022-07-12 08:57:39 +0200
    Newest: 2023-05-13 03:21:16 +0200
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-07-12 08:58:14 +02:00


    Hi @e-marquers ,

    Thanks for sharing the System Status report.

    WC Database Version: 6.3.1

    I am able to see that the WooCommerce Database does not match the core version. Please could you update this by navigating to WooCommerce?>?Status?>?Tools?>?Update database. Below is more detail documentation on this:


    Please ensure that you have a good?backup?of your?full site and database?in place before doing the updates, so that, should something go wrong, you are able to easily restore your site to a functioning state.

    If updating the database makes no difference then I would recommend performing a conflict test to rule out any theme/plugin conflicts.

    The best way to determine this is to:

    – Temporarily switch your theme to Storefront
    – Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce
    – Repeat the action that is causing the problem

    If you’re not seeing the same problem after completing the conflict test, then you know the problem was with the plugins and/or theme you deactivated. To figure out which plugin is causing the problem, reactivate your other plugins one by one, testing after each until you find the one causing conflict.

    You can find a more detailed explanation on how to do a conflict test here:


    Please let me know how this goes!

    Thread Starter Maggy


    Hi Roxanne,

    Thanks for your suggestions. We updated the database and it makes no difference,
    We troubleshooted the website by deactivating the plugins one by one and still get the same error. Als when we switch themes. We can rule out any theme/plugin conflict.

    We’ve run out of options now. Any ideas on solving this error?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Maggy.


    Sorry to hear about that.

    Pending: 20
    Can you navigate to WooCommerce > status > scheduled actions > pending then run the pending actions (if applicable)? Be sure to allow some time for them to run properly.

    If the issue is still present after that, can you check if there is any other error found under WooCommerce > System Status > Logs?

    Let us know if this makes a difference.

    Thread Starter Maggy


    Hi Igor,

    Thanks for your reply. We’ve run all the pending actions, but the issue still persists.

    The Woocommerce Status keeps show this error: (for privacy reasons i changed the domainname, if you need it let me know)

    2022-07-17T00:09:35+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController::get_settings() must be of the type array, null given, called in /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php on line 107 and defined in /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php:313
    Stack trace:
    #0 /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php(107): Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController->get_settings(NULL, '')
    #1 /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\CustomOrdersTableController->Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders\{closure}(NULL, '')
    #2 /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-includes/plugin.php(191): WP_Hook->apply_filters( in /domains/mysite.com/DEFAULT/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DataStores/Orders/CustomOrdersTableController.php op de lijn 313
    Plugin Support Sandip Mondal – a11n


    Hi @e-marquers,

    Thanks for doing that.

    It looks like you’ve shared the old fatal error again. I can see the date is 2022-07-17.

    Can you please check if there are new recent fatal errors from August 2022 like that? If not, then this means the errors issue has been resolved.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • The topic ‘Fatal error’ is closed to new replies.