• The dreaded Fatal Error just happened. I was trying to install a forum to my web page and added BuddyPress and bbPress to the site. I also changed the site theme to a BBPress friendly theme. However, I’ve had absolutely no luck getting anything to work.

    I thought maybe the two were in conflict with each other, so I deactivated the bbPress plugin. I immediately got this message:

    Fatal error: Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in /hermes/bosweb/web294/b2944/ipg.gackney/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/functions.php on line 32
    Now I can’t even open the site to re-activate it. HELP!!!!

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  • Try:
    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme by renaming your current theme’s folder inside wp-content/themes and adding “-old” to the end of the folder name using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin.

    However, I’ve had absolutely no luck getting anything to work.

    After you’ve resolved your current issue, check following for reference in setting up bbPress sitewide forums https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/installing-group-and-sitewide-forums/

    Btw, which “bbpress-friendly” theme was that?

    Hard to say exactly what happened. The BBP_Theme_Compat class is part of bbPress, so if all of the bbPress files are there, and if the theme really is behaving, there shouldn’t be any issues.

    What version of bbPress? What theme, and what version of that theme?

    Thread Starter GaryDPCF


    Thanks for all of your replies. I basically followed what esmi told me to do and it worked. I ended up changing the bbPress folder and the BuddyPress folders with the ‘-old’ extension. That allowed me to login to the site again where I could remove those plugins. I changed my Theme to one that was not associated with bbPress, then I had to re-name the folders to their original titles. I then deactivated the two plugins and deleted them through the plugin page. I checked the FTP site to ensure they were in fact gone, which they were. Now all is well ?? By the way, I then loaded the Mingle Forum plugin and was up and running in minutes with a forum on my WP web site. Mingle Forum was extremely easy to use and does everything I need. Thanks again for all your help!!

    Thread Starter GaryDPCF


    @ John James Jacoby – I loaded the latest version of bbPress (direct from your site) per the instructions on the bbPress web page. I changed to the Twenty Eleven bbPress Theme and I believe that is where my problems began. While still using that theme I deactivated bbPress. The Fatal Error occured immediately. Nothing against bbPress/BuddyPress but I simply could not get my forum to show on the page. That is why I though there was a conflict between the two and attempted to deactivate one of them. I would say I am mildly experienced with html and have been running a WP web page since december of last year. I simply could not crack the code to get this forum up and running.

    I am experiencing a similar problem after updating bbPress & BuddyPress plugins on my WP theme (on 06/08/12):
    Fatal error: Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in /home//public_html/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/themes/animassrdblogbp_kid/functions.php on line 32

    I will try & fix by checking the advice given here & would appreciate more help if anyone knows the best way I can fix this-thanks

    Just to let you know, I got this error after updating bbpress a moment ago.

    To fix I did the following:

    – my bbpress functions are including into the functions file so I just commented out the include (or just comment out the bbpress functions in your functions.php)

    – reset plugins folder by renaming it via ftp (“plugins~”)

    – this should fix the error so you can use the admin again

    – re-enable the plugins folder

    – reactivate all the plugins

    – uncomment the bbpress functions and it should be fine

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks for the input-glad you fixed your site.
    I have tried your instruction but I keep getting same original error message:
    Fatal error: Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in /home//public_html/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/themes/animassrdblogbp_kid/functions.php on line 32

    So I’m still stuck! ??

    Update-even worse…. after renaming & then restoring plugin folder I have somehow lost most of my plugins! I went from over 60 or so to 8 to update?! No bbPress or BuddyPress plugin & I cannot remember exactly which other plugins I was running! But do not have things like JetPack /Download manager/Sitemap etc etc ??

    No worries! ??

    To fix that error you basically need to stop WordPress trying to run that class until you can re-enable all the plugins.

    So you need to find where that class is in your theme (functions.php or wherever) and comment it out so you can access the admin.

    It’ll be here:

    /home//public_html/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/themes/animassrdblogbp_kid/functions.php on line 32

    Comment out that whole class and it should work.

    From class BBP_Twenty_Ten extends BBP_Theme_Compat { down to the } above `/**
    * Instantiate a new BBP_Twenty_Ten class inside the $bbp global. It is`

    Hope this helps

    Thats odd. You shouldn’t lose any plugins by just renaming the plugins folder?

    Sorry can’t be much help without actually being there ??

    On a side note…60 plugins is very excessive so it may have done you a favour ??

    Update:I found my plugins again! I had a problem renaming the folder. I cannot believe I renamed the wrong folder!
    I still get bbPress/BuddyPress error ??

    Hi daveaspi
    Thanks for your help.
    I no longer have the error message BUT my theme appearance is screwed! See https://richard-dickinson.com/
    Any idea?

    I still haven’t fixed this yet (Fatal error: Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in /home//public_html/richard-dickinson.com/wp-content/themes/animassrdblogbp_kid/functions.php on line 32). However I posted about it on bbPress forum ( https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/theme-format-lost-on-latest-bbpress-update/#post-116948 )& the reply from there seems to indicate it is a problem with BuddyPress-so I will post on BuddyPress in search of help to fix this!

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