startlogic is my host and i logged in and clicked on ftp and this is what i see
You can build your site using Web authoring tools, and then use an FTP program to upload the Web pages to your StartLogic account.
To access your account using an FTP client, you need to connect to with your FTP username and password.
You can manage your FTP information with the tool below:
Master FTP Account
UserName FTP (Home) Directory Last Login Status Options
jessicafr / 08/1/2012 09:41:54 PM from Enabled [Edit] [Disable] [Verify]
Additional FTP Accounts
UserName FTP (Home) Directory Last Login Status Options
jessicafr_fk5e / 08/8/2012 03:03:46 PM from Enabled [Edit] [Disable] [Verify] [Remove]
JMF-Redi / Unknown Enabled [Edit] [Disable] [Verify] [Remove]
Create New FTP Account
Enter the username you want to create.
Enter the password twice for confirmation.
Your password must be at least 6 characters, and contain a letter and at least one digit and one punctuation character.
FTP (Home) Directory:
The directory the user will have access to. Leave blank for the root (/) directory, otherwise you must put the full path to your directory. Do not include domain.
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