Fatal error after upgrading to v2.9.1
After upgrading to V2.9.1 I was hit with the following fatal error as soon as I tried to access an wp-admin pages:
thrown CONTEXT: {"error":{"type":1,"file":"/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/lib/packages/Inpsyde/Modularity/Package.php","line":701},"backtrace":[{"file":"/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-woocommerce.php","line":406,"function":"critical","class":"WC_Logger","type":"->"},{"function":"log_errors","class":"WooCommerce","type":"->"}]}
I’ve reverted back to V2.9.0 and the error has gone.
Please advise how this issue can be resolved. I saw another post that mentioned Modularity issues with Yith plugins but we aren’t running any Yith plugins on our site.
Many thanks,
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