• Resolved ebc321


    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in server_directory/wp-content/plugins/wp-linkedin-auto-publish/wp-linkedin-auto-publish.php on line 1194

    It started happened since last week. ( i have use this plugin more than 2 years without any error, i didn’t update the site and plugin in this year.)

    I have tried to re-authorized many times, tried to deactive and re-active the plugin, also tried to update to the latest version, but cannot fix the problem.

    The case are exactly same to this topic, I have tried to handle the error by adding this code,

    if ( is_wp_error( $json_feed ) ) {
        return 'ERROR';

    but it cannot solve and keep to say there has a ERROR.

    What can i do now? Many thanks!

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  • Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Hi @ebc321,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. I have released a fix which should get rid of the error message, however this won’t actually solve the issue for you. The reason that error is showing is because when the API request is trying to be made to LinkedIn there’s an error, like no response. I can’t repeat the issue on my end, and nor have there been any other reports like this. So what this could mean is there is some security measure or firewall on your site which is preventing the API request to be made, so I would check this out.


    Thread Starter ebc321


    Thanks! @northernbeacheswebsites

    I have updated the plugin to lateest verion 7.8, but yes, the update won’t solve the issue.

    The same error “Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in server_directory/wp-content/plugins/wp-linkedin-auto-publish/wp-linkedin-auto-publish.php on line 1194” still appear.

    Thank so much of your help. I am here to awaiting your investigate and solution.


    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Hi @ebc321,

    Are you definitely using the latest version of the plugin, version 7.8? Because at a minimum the error message should have changed, because the line numbers should be different because I am now doing additional checks.

    Have you tried deactivating all other plugins and turning any server level security/firewalls off temporarily to try authentication?

    Do you have access to some other hosting account you can try the plugin on to see if it works ok? Just to rule out whether it’s an account issue, a hosting issue or maybe a plugin issue.


    Thread Starter ebc321



    Yes, I also tried to disable and delete the plugin.
    And re-download to active the plugin again.

    No, i didn’t turn off all other plugins.
    It is difficult for me to turn off all other plugin on the running site.
    But, i didn’t add / remove any plugin in pasted 1-2 years (plugins update are disabled).

    My site is running on a rental hosting, it is not possible for me to turn on / off secruity/ firewall.

    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Hi @ebc321,

    I am not sure about this one.

    The only thing I can recommend is try changing some of the core code to get around the issue temporarily…

    So if you go to line 366 of wp-linkedin-auto-publish and the line will look like this:
    $authenticationTest = wp_linkedin_autopublish_authentication_test();
    replace this with:
    $authenticationTest = ‘SUCCESS’;

    and see if that enables you to re-authenticate again.

    Thread Starter ebc321


    Thanks a lot,
    I have replace the line 366 to SUCCESS,
    Here is the result,

    And now, Successful re-authenticate

    But all post cannot share to linkedin and no profile show in the profile tab.

    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Hi @ebc321,

    Yes, this is what I expected, but what happens when you click the connect button? Have you tried clicking the connect button?


    Thread Starter ebc321


    Yes, after i click connect,
    it allow me to re-login with ID and password input screen,
    I tried to login and then it show login success and redirect to the plugin option.
    I have tried to save the option, but didn’t help.

    Thank so much for your quick response.

    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Hi @ebc321,

    Ok, I am not sure what else can be done. The only recommendation I can make to provide you with further assistance is to check out the pro version of the plugin AutoSocial: https://northernbeacheswebsites.com.au/autosocial/

    If you like the sound of the pro version, I can provide more extensive support to ensure everything works exactly right on your site. This comes with a money-back guarantee.

    Thanks @ebc321

    Thread Starter ebc321


    I understand! Thank you for your help.

    Let us discuss first and come back to you later.

    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    No worries, sorry I couldn’t find a better solution in this instance ??

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