Any update on the solution for this? I’m getting the same error & various other errors randomly when attempting to Quick Edit a post since 3.2 WP update. Everything else works fine.
Errors appear in the back end.
First time I edit a post, everything works fine.
After the next time or two, I get “Unable to save changes to file” error.
Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/temp2/wp-includes/functions.php on line 447
Finally, a 30 second timeout message.
If I refresh the post list page, errors go away for a while, then reappear. I have a vague impression that there’s a logic behind the “random” issues, but can’t figure it out.
After playing with all plugins (deactivating all/reactivating one by one), it appears that this is related to any one of these – I get the same issues no matter which one of the plugins below is enabled:
All In One SEO
Yoast Google Analytics
Google XML Sitemaps
Hope someone will help figure out what’s going on… these are just too useful to pass.