• I’ve seriously tried for two days to fix this, but have now ran out of wine and will admit defeat– I keep getting this error message when trying to do anything on my website:
    Class ‘Custom_Image_Header’ not found in /home/frazlabs.com/wp-includes/theme.php on line 1403

    I’ve deleted the theme from the FTP I had planned on using (spun), so doesn’t that mean it’s suppose to default back to the old theme? I’ve re-uploaded the file it’s having issues with, but no dice. I cannot get to my dashboard, so I’ve had to do everything through FTP (and let me just say, I’m neither patient nor professional code writer…)

    any help would be great…I”m now going out to purchase some rum.

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  • Do you have access to phpmyadmin or your database managing tool?
    You might need to get in there to change your theme to the default to get back into the dashboard.

    Thread Starter felicia852


    I’ve got access to myadmin, tell me more about changing the theme to the default??

    also, does this mean that I’ll never be able to use the ‘spun’ theme, or will I just need to go about it a different way?

    Change a Broke WordPress Theme Using PHPMyAdmin

    My guess is that once you go back to the default theme, delete your broken theme and re-upload, you will be able to use it again. It’s probably looking for a setting that isn’t there (custom image header?) and causing some PHP syntax error which is breaking your site.

    Thread Starter felicia852


    just kidding, i relabeled the twentytwelve as “twentytwelve-old” and i now see a dashboard (very pretty, i might add). so am i stuck using this template for life, or will i have to recode a few things in order to make the one i want work?

    Did you try re-uploading a clean version of the “Spun” theme?

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