Fatal error: GCE_Display::get_event_days()
We are getting the below error when loading the Google Calendar Events plugin shortcode on our WordPress pages but it seems to occur randomly.
The calendar might be displaying fine in Safari and Chrome but then, for no apparent reason, one or both of the browsers will begin displaying the below error. The error is always the same, always referencing class-gce-display.php, line 68.
After a period of time, the calendar will then (perhaps) reappear in both of the browsers OR, even stranger, Safari will begin re-displaying it OK but at the same time Chrome will still display the error. Or Chrome will be OK and Safari not. The error happens whether GCE is in grid or list configuration.
I’ve had to pull GCE from many of the pages on which it was used as a list because of this. Currently, it appears only on the one URL below as a grid.
I certainly would appreciate it if anyone knows of a fix for this problem before we have to pull the calendar entirely.
The calendar is located at: https://authenticantioch.com/calendar-2/
Thanks, everyone!
The Error:
Fatal error: GCE_Display::get_event_days(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "GCE_Event" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas01_data01/93/2880893/html/wp-content/plugins/google-calendar-events/includes/class-gce-display.php on line 68
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