• Resolved Andy Crowhurst


    Installed OptIn today It seems to also install your MonsterInsights plugin and once it had finished installing the WordPress Dashboard crashed with a fatal error. Redacted details from WP support email following:

    When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:

    WordPress version 6.3

    Active theme: Education Base Child (version

    Current plugin: Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (version 8.18)

    PHP version 8.1.22

    Error Details


    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 531 of the file /[redacted]/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/googleanalytics.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required ‘/[redacted]/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/assets/lib/pandora/class-am-deactivation-survey.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php8.1′) in /[redacted]/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/googleanalytics.php:531

    Looks like you are linking to your sandbox as all other includes are in the format “includes/admin/” ?

            require_once MONSTERINSIGHTS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'assets/lib/pandora/class-am-deactivation-survey.php';

    Disabling the Google analytics plugin for now has removed the problem.

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  • Plugin Support Tim H


    Hi @fourminutes

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Could you please reach out to us via our support form link below, we’d like to investigate this further to see what is happening. Please be sure to reference this thread within your reply there.


    Thank you,

    Thread Starter Andy Crowhurst


    Hi Tim @tharg3 . All the information is in the above thread. You should be able to see the code – I can just by loading the file in my WP Plugin editor. Look at the file and the line referenced. Unless OptIn is bundling an older version of your software (I don’t know how bundling third party plugins works) then you can see the line.

    I’ve decided to not use OptIn anyway, so have deleted it and your plugin, so am no longer affected. I’ll leave it with you to look at the googleanalytics.php file line 531 to see the error.

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