Fatal error /home/content/34/9750634/html/wp-settings.php on line 73
Hello everybody, I really need your help. I can’t have access to my webpage neither to my wp admin. This is the error that I am getting when trying to access my site: /home/content/34/9750634/html/wp-settings.php on line 73.
This morning I downloaded a plugin for cookies that seems to have bad content, I got an email from my hostserver saying they found a phishing images and that i had to remove it in order to not suspend my site. I went to FileZilla and removed the file with the images that downloaded with the plugin, and it seems that I deleted an important file since I cant access my site. I don’t know where is that Fatal error located, I can’t find it in my FileZilla. How can I retreive my site again? or where do I download again the wordpress version 3.4.2. Please, somebody help me, my site is https://www.toptennis.co
Thank you
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