• I’m having an issue getting wp-twitter-feeds to work.I keep getting the error message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1

    I know my wordpress theme has a built in twitter functionality and I’m not sure how to disable it, but I know that having the other twitter feature is what is creating this error. I tried editing the .php file for the built in twitter feature and it disabled my entire site until I corrected it.

    Is there anything I can edit in the wp-twitter-feeds code to allow the two to work together?


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  • Team Vivacity


    Hi slockwoodabp,

    You need to update OAuth.php or simply change in OAuth.php.

    class OAuthException extends Exception {
    // pass


    if (!class_exists(‘OAuthException’)) {
    class OAuthException extends Exception {
    // pass

    Please do let us know if you have any other query.

    Thanks & Regards
    Team Vivacity

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