1.) I know it’s a new shaky thing for you to undertake …
2.) You have to get familiar with FTP – File Transfer Protocol … better known as a program called FileZilla for most of us.
3.) You log into the back end of your domain hosted files at such a remote site/server such as Host Gator or Blue Host or GoDaddy etcetera, where ever it is, that you have your Hosting Account.
4.) I completely cleared out, deleted, the faulty file which was this particular version of the Customizr Theme … then disconnected and reconnected my FileZilla connection several times. (I have found this helps, and it might be just that time has elapsed for a refreshed file report condition to present; whatever; it makes me feel certain beyond the shadow of a doubt that the old files are swept out.)
5.) I went to the WordPress Customizr Theme Repository and manually downloaded onto my local computer/laptop, a clean version of the Customizr Theme Files and I extracted same in file folder all by itself.
6.) With this new, clean file ready for transfer into FileZilla and on up into serverland, at/in/via, your Hosting Account with for instance, Host Gator, you are now ready to do the transfer of your clean, clear version of the Customizr Theme Files.
7.) This is a left to right, drag & drop file transfer. On your left, in the FileZilla Panel is/are your local computer files. On the right is/are your remote computer files, the files that are resident in/at/on your Host Gator Hosting Account Server/Computer. (We all are essentially renting space in a big, huge, server computer, like a Host Gator, etc.)
8.) So, you drag the new clean, extracted/unzipped file of Customizr and kerplunk it on over to this spot in/on/at the remote server … /public_html/wp-content/themes … this is where you drag/drop the fresh Customizr Theme File.
9.) I hope this ultra-elongated explanation helps you get where you need to go; this is how I always needed/wanted it all spelled out for me, because at one time I didn’t have a clue how to do this stuff either.
10.) Chin up, you can do this, it’s very methodical and step by step, go slow, take a deep breath and plunge right in! ??