• Warning: require_once(WPSEO_PREMIUM_PATHclasses/google/Google_Client.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in **DIR**/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/admin/api-libs/googleanalytics/class-google-analytics-client.php on line 4 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘WPSEO_PREMIUM_PATHclasses/google/Google_Client.php’ (include_path=’.:/**DIR**’) in **DIR**/wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/admin/api-libs/googleanalytics/class-google-analytics-client.php on line 4


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  • When I reinstalled, to messages indicated that the plugin could create problems

    The following plugins might cause (open graph) issues with Yoast WordPress SEO: Add Meta Tags

    The following plugins might cause (xml sitemaps) issues with Yoast WordPress SEO: XML Sitemap & Google News feeds

    I chose to deactivate.

    Scoobs890, can you delete the plugin via FTP?
    I’m quite sure your webhost will have a FAQ-entry how to use it on their servers. If not, please let me know.

    @btideman, can you follow the manual part of this guide?

    I don’t know what “FTP” even means. I have no idea what to do to fix this. I can’t get into my WordPress dashboard at all. My hosting service is DreamHost if that’s helpful. Can someone please give more detailed instructions?

    @scoobs890 – best advice is to jump on phone or livechat with Dreamhost support people and tell them what you’ve been advised here — manually removing the plugin.

    It will be found in the /wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/ directory.

    @tacoverdo I can’t access anything on my dashboard at all.

    I also can’t access my dashboard, white screen of death for hours. I deleted the updated plugin in FTP and have no way of manually inserting the older version without access to my dashboard (unless someone has a suggestion). Also deactivated the plugin from the backend. Still have no access to admin on WP. Set this widget to manual update from now on. Official word from Yoast is they are “fixing a fatal error.” I’ll say. Please fix soon, Yoast, as we are losing business!

    why are my comments deleted ??
    Resolve this ASAP

    @karavera; have you deleted the whole folder /wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress? If so, there are no files left to cause a conflict, thus you should be able to enter your admin again.

    @ravikiran248; afaik no comments are deleted.

    @tacoverdo, yes I deleted the entire folder at /wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress. Still not able to access dashboard or view WordPress admin. Is there a hidden file of some sort I need to be aware of? I searched my entire computer for additional hidden files and saw none.


    Is 5.2.6 the correct release now?

    @karavera, there are no hidden files in our plugin that can cause this, I’m afraid. Can you share admin and FTP-details with [email protected]? I’ll try to help you out.

    @mrmodo, yes, 5.2.6 is the latest release.

    I have uninstalled the plugin and deleted the folder from the plugings dir in ftp but when I reinstall I still get the error about not being able to authenticate. Is there something else I need to delete before reinstalling?


    @soong: please make sure you’re reinstalling the correct version (5.2.6). Nothing else should be needed.

    I keep getting this error:

    Failed to fetch the new data from Google Analytics. Please reauthenticate on the settings page!

    If I reauthenticate it goes away for a while but then comes back. Logging into Analytics and it looks like everything is tracking fine?

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  • The topic ‘Fatal error since 5.2.5’ is closed to new replies.