• Resolved vivobook


    Your latest update was 15 Hr ago, including

    “Improved the ‘profile_update’ action hook handling code – the user will remain logged-in after the password is changed from WP User profile page.”

    When I update now a user profile (new password), I get a fatal error caused by your plugin and get kicked out of my admin dashboard. The website itself is still working, luckily!

    Please look at it. Thanks.

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  • Thread Starter vivobook


    After a rollback to the previous version, it works fine again.

    Plugin Author mra13


    Thank you for reporting this. I have rolled back some of the profile update related changes that were introduced in the previous version. Let me know if the the newly released v4.4.8 works better for you.

    Thread Starter vivobook


    YES, works! Thank you for the speedy action!

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