When ever I try to login to my site I get this error:
Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/content/b/i/g/bigboyz/html/sundeimage/wp-admin/includes/comment.php on line 1
I have tried checking it in Dreamweaver but I don’t see the error.. Anyone had this issue before?
My apologies, for a late post. I have since resolved this issue. It required me contacting my hosting provider and they couldn’t figure it out either.
Even deleting the file and replacing it with a default one DIDN’T help. I had to delete all plugins and then replace them. In another case, shortly after fixing that site, another site began having the same issue across three sites, same hosting space! I would fix one and the next one would crash. Made me wonder if the server had become compromised. Turns out there was a brute force attack on my sites! (Crazy..) I was surprised but either way that was what I ended up doing for them.
After I got the sites up and running, I was told about Word Fence and since there have been 0 infractions and I can see which IPs are accessing or being blocked. GREAT protection! Along with changing the passwords of all major users, so far so good… I hope this helps someone out there and you ‘JHester.’
Thanks for the tip ‘UseShots’