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  • i have had a similar issue,
    when activated the plug in, my site seemed to crash and wouldn’t let me open any page, went through the fix that was mentioned on the forums here,
    (which was rename the simple-ldap-login folder on the FTP)

    I renamed the file back to “simple-ldap-login” and now once trying to re-activate it i get a huge “fatal error”;

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘adLDAPException’ with message ‘No LDAP support for PHP. See:’ in /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/includes/adLDAP.php:338 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/Simple-LDAP-Login.php(31): adLDAP->__construct(Array) #1 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/Simple-LDAP-Login.php(49): SimpleLDAPLogin->__construct() #2 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/Simple-LDAP-Login.php(389): SimpleLDAPLogin::getInstance() #3 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-admin/plugins.php(147): include(‘/var/www/html/i…’) #4 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-admin/plugins.php(149): plugin_sandbox_scrape(‘simple-ldap-log…’) #5 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/includes/adLDAP.php on line 338

    i have had a similar issue,
    when activated the plug in, my site seemed to crash and wouldn’t let me open any page, went through the fix that was mentioned on the forums here,
    (which was rename the simple-ldap-login folder on the FTP)

    I renamed the file back to “simple-ldap-login” and now once trying to re-activate it i get a huge “fatal error”;

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘adLDAPException’ with message ‘No LDAP support for PHP. See:’ in /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/includes/adLDAP.php:338 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/Simple-LDAP-Login.php(31): adLDAP->__construct(Array) #1 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/Simple-LDAP-Login.php(49): SimpleLDAPLogin->__construct() #2 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/Simple-LDAP-Login.php(389): SimpleLDAPLogin::getInstance() #3 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-admin/plugins.php(147): include(‘/var/www/html/i…’) #4 /var/www/html/intranet/wp-admin/plugins.php(149): plugin_sandbox_scrape(‘simple-ldap-log…’) #5 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/intranet/wp-content/plugins/simple-ldap-login/includes/adLDAP.php on line 338

    This worked for me and found it hidden in the PHP manual. Make sure you put the location of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in your windows path.

    This is assuming your running on a windows machine: You can set your path using command line. Type “Path” and press enter to see current path then Set Path=xxxxxxxxxxx Copying exacly as show then at end adding the path to the files above.

    This needs to be done on the server running your PHP.

    Here is the easier way: Click start then Run or windows button + R to open a Run window. Type “systempropertiesadvanced” (don’t type the quotes)
    Now click on “Environment Variables”
    In the bottom half under “System Variables” find the path entry.
    Edit this line by adding a semi-colon to the end of the line then the path to the files.
    Click Ok, Ok, Ok. Now try it again and it should work.

    The location of these files for me was d:\xampp\php and remember the semi-colon to separate your entries.

    unfortunately we are using a linux system,
    not windows

    ….still having issue,
    require support in regards to this addon please.

    Do you have installed php ldap extension? From this msg

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘adLDAPException’ with message ‘No LDAP support for PHP

    it seems you don’t maybe..

    im not sure… im not even sure how adLDAP works?
    are you able to point me in the right direction on how i need to get that working?

    What is LDAP?

    To use LDAP you need its extensions (for example php5-ldap, mod_ldap for apache, etc)…

    Its possible that not all shared webhostings use that…

    Maybe this will be useful…

    Same issue on a WordPress server.
    Running WordPress 4.0 on openSUSE 13.1.

    Without php5-ldap, the admin-webpage is blank. After installing php5-ldap, the problem is solved.

    did actually work this out and the solution was exactly that my php needed updating.

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